// Copyright (c) 2006, Brian Frank and Andy Frank
// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
// History:
//    2 Dec 05  Brian Frank  Creation
//   30 Sep 06  Brian Frank  Ported from Java to Fan

** Normalize the abstract syntax tree:
**   - Collapse multiple static new blocks
**   - Init static fields in static new block
**   - Init instance fields in instance new block
**   - Add implicit return in methods
**   - Add implicit super constructor call
**   - Rewrite synthetic getter/setter for override of concrete field
**   - Infer collection fields from LHS of field definition
**   - Generate once method boiler plate
class Normalize : CompilerStep

// Constructor

  new make(Compiler compiler)
    : super(compiler)

// Run

  override Void run()
    walk(compiler, VisitDepth.typeDef)

// Type Normalization

  override Void visitTypeDef(TypeDef t)
    loc := t.loc
    iInit := Block(loc)  // instance init
    sInit := Block(loc)  // static init

    // walk thru all the slots
    t.slotDefs.dup.each |SlotDef s|
      if (s is FieldDef)
        f := (FieldDef)s
        if (f.init != null && !f.isAbstract)
          if (f.isStatic)
          f.walkInit = false
        // if a static initializer, append it
        m := (MethodDef)s
        if (m.isStaticInit)
          appendStaticInit(sInit, m)
          normalizeMethod(m, iInit)

    // add instance$init if needed
    if (!iInit.isEmpty)
      ii := MethodDef.makeInstanceInit(iInit.loc, t, iInit)
      callInstanceInit(t, ii)

    // add static$init if needed
    if (!sInit.isEmpty)
      t.normalizeStaticInits(MethodDef.makeStaticInit(sInit.loc, t, sInit))

  private Void appendStaticInit(Block sInit, MethodDef m)
    // append inside an "if (true) {}" block so that each static
    // initializer is given its own scope in the unified static initializer;
    // the "if (true)" gets optimized away in CoodeAsm
    loc := m.loc
    cond := LiteralExpr(loc, ExprId.trueLiteral, ns.boolType, true)
    ifStmt := IfStmt(loc, cond, m.code)
    m.code = null

// Method Normalization

  private Void normalizeMethod(MethodDef m, Block iInit)
    code := m.code
    if (code == null) return

    // add implicit return
    if (!code.isExit) addImplicitReturn(m)

    // insert super constructor call
    if (m.isInstanceCtor) insertSuperCtor(m)

    // once
    if (m.isOnce) normalizeOnce(m, iInit)

  private Void addImplicitReturn(MethodDef m)
    code := m.code
    loc := code.loc

    // we allow return keyword to be omitted if there is exactly one statement
    if (code.size == 1 && !m.returnType.isVoid && code.stmts[0].id == StmtId.expr)
      code.stmts[0] = ReturnStmt.makeSynthetic(code.stmts[0].loc, code.stmts[0]->expr)

    // return is implied as simple method exit

  private Void insertSuperCtor(MethodDef m)
    // don't need to insert if one already is defined
    if (m.ctorChain != null) return

    // never insert super call for synthetic types, mixins, or Obj.make
    parent := m.parent
    base := parent.base
    if (parent.isSynthetic) return
    if (parent.isMixin) return
    if (base.isObj) return

    // check if the base class has exactly one available
    // constructor with no parameters
    superCtors := base.instanceCtors
    if (superCtors.size != 1) return
    superCtor := superCtors.first
    if (superCtor.isPrivate) return
    if (superCtor.isInternal && base.pod != parent.pod) return
    if (!superCtor.params.isEmpty) return

    // if we find a ctor to use, then create an implicit super call
    m.ctorChain = CallExpr.makeWithMethod(m.loc, SuperExpr(m.loc), superCtor)
    m.ctorChain.isCtorChain = true

  private Void normalizeOnce(MethodDef m, Block iInit)
    loc := m.loc

    // we'll report these errors in CheckErrors
    if (curType.isConst || curType.isMixin ||
        m.isStatic || m.isCtor || m.isFieldAccessor)

    // error checking
    if (m.ret.isVoid) err("Once method '$m.name' cannot return Void", loc)
    if (!m.params.isEmpty) err("Once method '$m.name' cannot have parameters", loc)
    if (m.ret.isForeign) err("Once method cannot be used with FFI type '$m.ret'", loc)

    // generate storage field
    f := FieldDef(loc, curType)
    f.flags     = FConst.Private + FConst.Storage + FConst.Synthetic
    f.name      = m.name + "\$Store"
    f.fieldType = ns.objType.toNullable
    f.init      = Expr.makeForLiteral(loc, ns, "_once_")

    // add name$Once with original code
    x := MethodDef(loc, curType)
    x.flags        = FConst.Private + FConst.Synthetic
    x.name         = m.name + "\$Once"
    x.ret          = m.returnType
    x.inheritedRet = null
    x.paramDefs    = m.paramDefs
    x.vars         = m.vars
    x.usesCvars    = m.usesCvars
    x.code         = m.code

    // swizzle any closures using that method to the name$Once version
    curType.closures.each |ClosureExpr c|
      if (c.enclosingSlot === m) c.enclosingSlot = x

    // replace original method code with our delegate:
    //   if (name$Store == "_once_")
    //     name$Store = name$Once()
    //   return (RetType)name$Store
    m.code  = Block(loc)

    // if (name$Store == "_once_")
    cond := BinaryExpr(
      f.makeAccessorExpr(loc, false),
      Expr.makeForLiteral(loc, ns, "_once_"))

    // name$Store = name$Once()
    trueBlock := Block(loc)
        f.makeAccessorExpr(loc, false),
        CallExpr.makeWithMethod(loc, ThisExpr(loc), x)

    ifStmt := IfStmt(loc, cond, trueBlock)

    // return <name$Store>, we'll insert cast in CheckErrors.coerce
    retStmt := ReturnStmt.makeSynthetic(loc)
    retStmt.expr = f.makeAccessorExpr(loc, false)

  private Void callInstanceInit(TypeDef t, MethodDef ii)
    // we call instance$init in every constructor
    // unless the constructor chains to "this"
    t.methodDefs.each |MethodDef m|
      if (!m.isInstanceCtor) return
      if (t.isNative) return
      if (m.ctorChain != null && m.ctorChain.target.id === ExprId.thisExpr) return
      call := CallExpr.makeWithMethod(m.loc, ThisExpr(m.loc), ii)
      m.code.stmts.insert(0, call.toStmt)

// Field Normalization

  private Void normalizeField(FieldDef f)
    // validate type of field
    t := f.fieldType
    if (t.isThis)   { err("Cannot use This as field type", f.loc); return }
    if (t.isVoid)   { err("Cannot use Void as field type", f.loc); return }
    if (!t.isValid) { err("Invalid type '$t'", f.loc); return }

    // if field init value is a list/map without an explicit type,
    // then infer type of collection based on field's declared type
    if (f.init != null)
      if (f.init.id == ExprId.listLiteral) inferFieldListType(f)
      else if (f.init.id == ExprId.mapLiteral) inferFieldMapType(f)

    // if this field overrides a concrete field, that means we already have
    // a concrete getter/setter for this field - if either of this field's
    // accessors is synthetic, then rewrite the one generated by Parser with
    // one that calls the "super" version of the accessor
    if (f.concreteBase != null && !f.isAbstract && !f.isNative)
      if (!f.hasGet) genSyntheticOverrideGet(f)
      if (!f.hasSet) genSyntheticOverrideSet(f)

    // ensure that getter is using inherited return
    // in case we have a covariant override
    if (f.get != null)
      f.get.inheritedRet = f.inheritedRet

  private Void inferFieldListType(FieldDef f)
    // if literal had explicit type, then bail
    init := f.init as ListLiteralExpr
    if (init.explicitType != null) return

    // force explicit type to be defined type of field
    init.explicitType = f.fieldType.toNonNullable as ListType

  private Void inferFieldMapType(FieldDef f)
    // if literal had explicit type, then bail
    init := f.init as MapLiteralExpr
    if (init.explicitType != null) return

    // force explicit type to be defined type of field
    init.explicitType = f.fieldType.toNonNullable as MapType

  private Void genSyntheticOverrideGet(FieldDef f)
    loc := f.loc
    f.get.code.add(ReturnStmt.makeSynthetic(loc, FieldExpr(loc, SuperExpr(loc), f.concreteBase)))

  private Void genSyntheticOverrideSet(FieldDef f)
    loc := f.loc
    lhs := FieldExpr(loc, SuperExpr(loc), f.concreteBase)
    rhs := UnknownVarExpr(loc, null, "it")
    code := f.get.code
    f.set.code.add(BinaryExpr.makeAssign(lhs, rhs).toStmt)

  private static ExprStmt fieldInitStmt(FieldDef f)
    useAccessor := f.concreteBase != null
    lhs := f.makeAccessorExpr(f.loc, useAccessor)
    rhs := f.init
    return BinaryExpr.makeAssign(lhs, rhs).toStmt
