
Overview and getting started with Fantom

  1. Fantom Readme

    readme for distribution

    Fantom Quick Links, Setup, Tools, Docs, Community

  2. StartHere

    learn how to get started and use the documentation

    Learn More, Quick Start, Community Resources, Documentation Organization, Learning Fantom, Getting Involved

  3. Tour

    whirlwind tour of Fantom's features

    Hello World, Literals, Expressions, Strings, Statements, Fields, Methods, Constructors, Inheritance, Mixins, Closures, Dynamic Programming, Nullable Types, Serialization, Immutability, Actors

  4. WhyFantom

    why we built Fantom and what problems we desire to solve

    Overview, Portability, Elegant APIs, Strong versus Dynamic Typing, Generics, Mixins, Modularity, Namespace versus Deployment, Object Oriented, Functional Programming, Declarative Programming, Concurrency, Little Things

  5. HelloWorld

    getting started with hello world

    Setup, Fantom Shell, Fantom Script, Fantom Pod, Fantom FWT, Fantom WebApp

  6. Roadmap

    current development status and future plans

    Current Status, Stability, Future Work

  7. Faq

    frequently asked questions

    Contact Us?, Didn't this language used to be called Fan?, How is Fantom licensed?, What is the status of Fantom?, How do Fantom version numbers work?

  8. License

    Academic Free License 3.0

    Academic Free License 3.0

  9. Change Log

    list of changes in each build