
Documentation for command line tools

  1. Setup

    how to get everything setup

    Unix Setup, Windows Setup, Java Extensions, JLine, SWT Support, Env

  2. Fan

    fan launcher

    Overview, Running Scripts, Running Pods, Main

  3. Fansh

    interactive shell for exploring

    Overview, Scope, Using Pods, Limitations

  4. Fant

    unit testing framework

    Overview, Organizing Tests, Writing Tests, Running Tests, Test Lifecycle

  5. Fanp

    fcode disassembler

    Overview, Dissembling Code, Dissembling Scripts

  6. Build

    build toolkit

    Overview, Example, BuildScript, Lifecycle, BuildPod

  7. Bootstrap

    how to recompile the runtime and compiler itself

    Overview, Bootstrap Script, Dev Home, Substitutes, JDK, Buildall, Dependencies, Debugging, Summary

  8. Flux

    using Flux as a Fantom "IDE"

    Overview, Navigation Model, Text Editor, Options, Tools, Compiling Fantom, Developing for Flux

  9. IDEs

    links to other Fantom IDEs

    Overview, Eclipse F4 (xored software), Netbeans FantomIDE (tcolar), TextMate Bundle (msl), Sublime Text 3 (mgiannini), Atom Editor (mgiannini), Text Editors, Flux, Camembert (tcolar)