// Copyright (c) 2007, Brian Frank and Andy Frank
// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
// History:
//   26 Dec 07  Brian Frank  Creation

** Regex represents a regular expression.
@Serializable { simple = true }
const final class Regex

// Construction

  ** Compile a regular expression pattern string.
  static new fromStr(Str pattern)

  ** Make a Regex which will match a glob pattern:
  **   - "?": match one unknown char (maps to "." in regex)
  **   - "*": match zero or more unknown char (maps to ".*" in regex)
  **   - any other character is matched exactly
  static Regex glob(Str pattern)

  ** Make a Regex that matches the given string exactly.
  ** All non-alpha numeric characters are escaped.
  static Regex quote(Str str)

  ** Private constructor.
  private new make()

  ** Default value is Regex("").
  const static Regex defVal

// Obj Overrides

  ** Equality is based on pattern string.
  override Bool equals(Obj? obj)

  ** Return 'toStr.hash'.
  override Int hash()

  ** Return the regular expression pattern string.
  override Str toStr()

// Methods

  ** Convenience for [matcher(s).matches]`RegexMatcher.matches`.
  Bool matches(Str s)

  ** Return a 'RegexMatcher' instance to use for matching
  ** operations against the specified string.
  RegexMatcher matcher(Str s)

  ** Split the specified string around matches of this pattern.
  ** The 'limit' parameter specifies how many times to apply
  ** the pattern:
  **   - If 'limit' is greater than zero, the pattern is applied
  **     at most 'limit-1' times and any remaining input will
  **     be returned as the list's last item.
  **   - If 'limit' is less than zero, then the pattern is
  **     matched as many times as possible.
  **   - If 'limit' is zero, then the pattern is matched as many
  **     times as possible, but trailing empty strings are
  **     discarded.
  Str[] split(Str s, Int limit := 0)

  // TODO: flags support
  // TODO: examples in fandoc
