Journal Articles (Refereed)
- “Observation of Large Arrays of Plasma Filaments in Air Breakdown by 1.5 MW, 110 GHz Gyrotron Pulses,” Y. Hidaka, E. M. Choi, I. Mastovsky, M. A. Shapiro, J. R. Sirigiri, and R. J. Temkin, Phys. Rev. Lett., Volume: 100 Issue: 3 Article Number: 035003 (Jan. 25, 2008)
- “Dynamic Nuclear Polarization at High Magnetic Fields,” T. Maly, G. T. Debelouchina, V. S. Bajaj, K.-N., Hu, C.-G. Joo, M. L. Mak-Jurkauskas, J. R. Sirigiri, P. C. A. van der Wel, J. Herzfeld, R. J. Temkin and R. G. Griffin, J. Chem. Phys. Volume: 128, Issue: 5, Article Number: 052211, (Feb. 7 2008).
- “High Field Dynamic Nuclear Polarization for Solid and Solution Biological NMR,” A. B. Barnes, G. De Paëpe, P. C.A. van der Wel, K. –N. Hu, C. –G. Joo, V. S. Bajaj, M. L. Mak-Jurkauskas, J. R. Sirigiri, J. Herzfeld, R. J. Temkin and R. G. Griffin, Applied Magnetic Resonance Appl. Magn. Reson., Vol. 34, pp. 237-263 (2008).
- “Imaging of atmospheric air breakdown caused by a high-power 110-GHz pulsed Gaussian beam,” Hidaka, Y.; Choi, E.M.; Mastovsky, I.; Shapiro, M.A.; Sirigiri, J.R.; Temkin, R.J. IEEE Trans. on Plasma Science, v 36, n 4, pt.1, p 936-7 (Aug., 2008)
- “Low-power testing of losses in millimeter-wave transmission lines for high-power applications,” Han, S.T.; Comfoltey, E.N.; Shapiro, M.A.; Sirigiri, J.R.; Tax, D.S.; Temkin, R.J.; Woskov, P.P.; Rasmussen, D.A., International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, v 29, n 11, p 1011-1018 (Nov., 2008).
- “Simulation of the bulk and surface modes supported by a diamond lattice of metal wires,” M. A. Shapiro, K. R. Samokhvalova, J. R. Sirigiri, R. J. Temkin, and G. Shvets, Journal of Applied Physics 104, 103107 (2008).
- “Calculation of Radiation from a Helically Cut Waveguide for a Gyrotron Mode Converter in the Quasi-Optical Approximation,” E. M. Choi, M. A. Shapiro, J. R. Sirigiri, R. J. Temkin, J Infrared Millimeter and Terahertz Waves Vol. 30, pp. 8-25 (2009).
- “Demonstration of a 140-GHz 1-kW confocal gyro-traveling-wave amplifier,” Joye, C.D.; Shapiro, M.A.; Sirigiri, J.R.; Temkin, R.J., IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, v 56, n 5, p 818-27, May 2009 (2009).
- “Handling Technology of Mega-Watt Millimeter-Waves For Optimized Heating of Fusion Plasmas,” Takashi Shimozuma, Shin Kubo, Yasuo Yoshimura, Hiroe Igami, Hiromi Takahashi, Yasuyuki Takita, Sakuji Kobayashi, Satoshi Ito, Yoshinori Mizuno, Hiroshi Idei, Takashi Notake, Michael A. Shapiro, Richard J. Temkin, Federico Felici, Timothy Goodman, Olivier Sauter, Ryutaro Minami, Tsuyoshi Kariya, Tsuyoshi Imai and Takashi Mutoh, Journal of Microwave Power & Electromagnetic Energy Vol. 43, No. 1, (2009).
- “Cryogenic sample exchange NMR probe for magic angle spinning dynamic nuclear polarization,” Alexander B. Barnes, Melody L. Mak-Jurkauskas, Yoh Matsuki, Vikram S. Bajaj, Patrick C.A. van der Wel, Ronald DeRocher, Jeffrey Bryant, Jagadishwar R. Sirigiri, Richard J. Temkin, Johan Lugtenburg, Judith Herzfeld and Robert G. Griffin, Journal of Magnetic Resonance, Volume 198, Issue 2, Pages 261-270, June 2009.
- “Observation and Study of Low-Frequency Oscillations in a 1.5-MW 110-GHz Gyrotron,” A. J. Cerfon, E. Choi, C. D. Marchewka, I. Mastovsky, M. A. Shapiro, J. R. Sirigiri, and R. J. Temkin, IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., Vol. 37, No. 7, pp. 1219-1224 (2009).
- “Plasma structures observed in gas breakdown using a 1.5 MW, 110 GHz pulsed gyrotron,” Hidaka, Y.; Choi, E.M.; Mastovsky, I.; Shapiro, M.A.; Sirigiri, J.R.; Temkin, R.J.; Edmiston, G.F.; Neuber, A.A.; Oda, Y. Physics of Plasmas, v 16, n 5, p 055702 (7 pp.), May (2009).
- “Continuous-Wave Operation of a Frequency Tunable 460 GHz Second-Harmonic Gyrotron for Enhanced Nuclear Magnetic Resonance,” A. C. Torrezan, S.T. Han, I. Mastovsky, M. A. Shapiro, J. R. Sirigiri, R. J. Temkin, A. B. Barnes, and R. G. Griffin, IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. Vol. 38, No. 6, pp. 1150-1159 (2010).
- “Measurement of Wakefields in a 17 GHz Photonic Bandgap Accelerator Structure,” R. A. Marsh, M. A. Shapiro, R. J. Temkin, E. I. Smirnova, J. F. DeFord, Nucl. Instr. and Methods in Phys. Res. Vol. A618, pp. 16–21 (2010).
- “Loss estimate for ITER ECH Transmission Line Including Multimode Propagation,” M. A. Shapiro, E. J. Kowalski, J. R. Sirigiri, D. S. Tax, R. J. Temkin, T. S. Bigelow, J. B. Caughman, and D. A. Rasmussen, Fusion Science and Tech., Vol. 57, pp. 196-207 ( 2010).
- “Measurement of RF Transmission Mode in ITER Relevant EC H&CD Transmission Line,” Y. Oda, K. Kajiwara, K. Takahashi, A. Kasugai, M. Shapiro, R. J. Temkin, K. Sakamoto, J. IR MM THz Waves Vol. 31, pp.949–957 (2010).
- “Pressure Dependence of Plasma Structure in Microwave Gas Breakdown at 110 GHz,” Alan Cook, Michael Shapiro, and Richard Temkin, Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 97, Article No. 011504, (2010).
- “Linearly Polarized Modes in of a Corrugated Metallic Waveguide,” E. J. Kowalski, D. S. Tax, M. A. Shapiro, J. R. Sirigiri, R. J. Temkin, T. S. Bigelow, D. A. Rasmussen, (IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory and Techniques, Vol. 58, Issue 11, Part 1, pages 2772-2780 (Nov., 2010).
- “Amplification of Picosecond Pulses in a 140 GHz Gyro-TWT,” H.J. Kim, E.A. Nanni, M.A. Shapiro, J.R. Sirigiri, P.P. Woskov, and R.J. Temkin (Physical Review Letters, Vol. 105, 135101 (Sept. 24, 2010).
- “Resolution and polarization distribution in cryogenic DNP/MAS experiments,” Alexander B. Barnes, Bjorn Corzilius, Melody L. Mak-Jurkauskas, Loren B. Andreas, Vikram S. Bajaj, Yoh Matsuki, Marina L. Belenky, Johan Lugtenburg Jagadishwar R. Sirigiri, Richard J. Temkin, Judith Herzfeld and Robert G. Griffin, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Volume: 12 Issue: 22, pages 5861-5867 (2010).
- “Solid-state dynamic nuclear polarization at 263 GHz: spectrometer design and experimental results,” Melanie Rosay, Leo Tometich, Shane Pawsey, Reto Bader, Robert Schauwecker, Monica Blank, Philipp M. Borchard, Stephen R. Cauffman, Kevin L. Felch, Ralph T. Weber, Richard J. Temkin, Robert G. Griffin and Werner E. Maas, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Volume: 12, Issue: 22, pages 5850-5860, (2010).
- “Mode-Content Analysis and Field Reconstruction of Propagating Waves in Corrugated Waveguides of an ECH System,” Takashi Shimozuma, Hiroshi Idei, Michael A. Shapiro, Richard J. Temkin, Shin Kubo, Hiroe Igami, Yasuo Yoshimura, Hiromi Takahashi, Satoshi Ito, Sakuji Kobayashi, Yoshinori Mizuno, Yasuyuki Takita, Takashi Mutoh, Plasma and Fusion Research Vol. 5, S1029 (2010).
- “Experimental Results on a 1.5 MW, 110 GHz Gyrotron with a Smooth Mirror Mode Converter,” D. S. Tax, E. M. Choi, I. Mastovsky, J. M. Neilson, M. A. Shapiro, J. R. Sirigiri, R. J. Temkin, and A. C. Torrezan, J. Infrared, Millimeter and THz Waves, Vol. 32, pp. 358-370 (2011).
- “The EC H&CD Transmission Line for ITER,” F. Gandini, T. S. Bigelow, B. Becket, J. B. Caughman, D. Cox, C. Darbos, T. Gassmann, M. A. Henderson, O. Jean, K. Kajiwara, N. Kobayashi, C. Nazare, Y. Oda, T. Omori, D. Purohit, D. A. Rasmussen, D. M. S. Ronden, G. Saibene, K. Sakamoto, M. A. Shapiro, K. Takahashi and R. J. Temkin, Fusion Science and Tech. Vol. 59, pp. 709- 717 (May, 2011).
- “Calculation of a Hyperbolic Corrugated Horn Converting the TEM00 Mode to the HE11 Mode,” M. A. Shapiro and R. J. Temkin, J. Infrared, Millimeter and THz Waves, Vol. 34, No. 3, pp. 283-294 (2011).
- “Microwave Field Distribution in a Magic Angle Spinning Dynamic Nuclear Polarization NMR Probe,” Emilio A. Nanni, Alexander B. Barnes, Yoh Matsuki, Paul P. Woskov, Björn Corzilius, Judith Herzfeld, Robert G. Griffin, Richard J. Temkin, Journal of Magnetic Resonance, Vol. 210, Issue 1, pp. 16-23 (2011).
- “X-Band Photonic Bandgap (PBG) Accelerator Structure Breakdown Experiment,” R. A. Marsh, M. A. Shapiro, R. J. Temkin, V. A. Dolgashev, L. L. Laurent, J. R. Lewandowski, A. D. Yeremian, S. G. Tantawi, Phys. Review – Special Topics Accel. and Beams, Vol. 14, 021301 (2011).
- “Overview of the ITER ECH&CD system and its capabilities,” T. Omori, M.A. Henderson, F. Albajar, S. Alberti, U. Baruah, T.S. Bigelow, B. Beckett, R. Bertizzolo, T. Bonicelli, A. Bruschi, J.B. Caughman, R. Chavan, S. Cirant, A. Collazos, D. Cox, C. Darbos, M.R. de Baar, G. Denisov, D. Farina, F. Gandini, T. Gassmann, T.P. Goodman, R. Heidinger, J.P. Hogge, S. Illy, O. Jean, J. Jin, K. Kajiwara, W. Kasparek, A. Kasugai, S. Kern, N. Kobayashi, H. Kumric, J.D. Landis, A. Moro, C. Nazare, Y. Oda, I. Pagonakis, B. Piosczyk, P. Platania, B. Plaum, E. Pol l, L. Porte, D. Purohit, G. Ramponi, S.L. Rao, D.A. Rasmussen, D.M.S. Ronden, T. Rzesnicki, G. Saibene, K. Sakamoto, F. Sanchez, T. Scherer, M.A. Shapiro, C. Sozzi, P. Spaeh, D. Strauss, O. Sauter, K. Takahashi, R.J. Temkin, M. Thumm, M.Q. Tran, V.S. Udintsev, H. Zohm, Fusion Engineering and Design, Vol. 86. Pp. 951-954 (2011).
- “Measurements of Electron Avalanche Formation Time in W-Band Microwave Air Breakdown,” Alan M. Cook, Jason S. Hummelt, Michael A. Shapiro, and Richard J. Temkin, Phys. of Plasmas, Vol. 18, 080707 (2011).
- “Vacuum Electronic High Power Terahertz Sources,” J. H. Booske, R. J. Dobbs, C. D. Joye, C. L. Kory, G. R. Neil, G. S. Park, J. Park, and R. J. Temkin, (invited Paper) IEEE Trans. THz Sci. and Tech., Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 54-75 (Sept., 2011).
- “THz Dynamic Nuclear Polarization NMR,” E. A. Nanni, A. B. Barnes, R. G. Griffin, and R. J. Temkin, (Invited Paper) IEEE Trans. THz Sci. and Tech., Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 145-163 (NIHMS410001) (Sept., 2011).
- “Operation of a Continuously Frequency-Tunable Second-Harmonic CW 330-GHz Gyrotron for Dynamic Nuclear Polarization,” A. C. Torrezan, M. A. Shapiro, J. R. Sirigiri, R. J. Temkin, and R. G. Griffin, IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, Vol. 58, No.8, pp. 2777-2783 (Aug., 2011).
- “Observation of plasma array dynamics in 110 GHz millimeter-wave air breakdown,” A. M. Cook, J. S. Hummelt, M. A. Shapiro, and R. J. Temkin, Physics of Plasmas, Vol. 18, Issue 10, Article Number: 100704 (October, 2011).
- “An overview of control system for the ITER electron cyclotron system,” D. Purohit, T. Bigelow, D. Billava, T. Bonicelli, J. Caughman, C. Darbos, G. Denisov, F. Gandini, T. Gassmann, M. Henderson, J.Y. Journeux, K. Kajiwara, N. Kobayashi, C. Nazare, Y. Oda, T. Omori, S.L. Rao, D. Rasmussen, D. Ronden, G. Saibene, K. Sakamoto, F. Sartori, K. Takahashi, R. Temkin, Fusion Engineering and Design 86 (6-8) , pp. 959-962 (2011).
- “Low-Loss Transmission Lines for High-Power Terahertz Radiation,” E. A. Nanni, S. K. Jawla, M. A. Shapiro, P. P. Woskov and R. J. Temkin, J. Infrared Millimeter and Terahertz Waves, Vo. 33, No. 7, pp. 695-714 (2012).
- “Mode Content Determination of Terahertz Corrugated Waveguides using Experimentally Measured Radiated Field Patterns,” S. K. Jawla, E. A. Nanni, M. A. Shapiro, P. P. Woskov, R. J. Temkin, IEEE Trans. Plasma Science Vol. 40, No. 6, Part 1; pp. 1530 – 1537 (2012).
- “A 250 GHz Gyrotron with a 3 GHz Tuning Bandwidth for Dynamic Nuclear Polarization,” A. B. Barnes, E. A. Nanni, J. Herzfeld, R. G. Griffin, R. J. Temkin, Journal Magnetic Resonance 221, pp. 47-53 (2012).
- “Real-time, T-Ray Imaging Using a Sub-Terahertz Gyrotron,” S-T Han, A. C. Torrezan, J. R. Sirigiri, M. A. Shapiro and R. J. Temkin, Journal of the Korean Physical Society, Vol. 60, No. 11, pp. 1857-1861 (2012).
- “A 140 GHz Pulsed EPR/212 MHz NMR Spectrometer for DNP Studies,” A. A Smith; B. Corzilius, J. A Bryant; R. DeRocher; P. P Woskov; R. J Temkin, Journal of Magnetic Resonance, Vol. 223C, pp.170-179 (July, 2012).
- “Active negative-index metamaterial powered by an electron beam,” M. A. Shapiro, S. Trendafilov, Y. Urzhumov, A. Alu, R. J. Temkin, and G. Shvets, Phys. Rev. B Vol. 86, 085132 (2012).
- “Spectroscopic Temperature Measurements of Air Breakdown Plasma Using a 110 GHz Megawatt Gyrotron Beam,” J. S. Hummelt, M. A. Shapiro, and R. J. Temkin, Phys. Plasmas, Vol. 19, paper 123509, Dec., 2012 (2012).
- “Dynamic nuclear polarization at 700MHz/460GHz,” Barnes AB, Markhasin E, Daviso E, Michaelis VK, Nanni EA, Jawla SK, Mena EL, Derocher R, Thakkar A, Woskov PP, Herzfeld J, Temkin RJ, Griffin RG, J Magn Reson., Vol. 224, pp. 1-7, PMID: 23000974 (Nov., 2012).
- “Continuously Tunable 250 GHz Gyrotron with a Double Disk Window for DNP-NMR Spectroscopy,” Sudheer K Jawla, Qing Zhe Ni, Alexander B Barnes, William Guss, Eugenio Daviso, Judith Herzfeld, Robert G Griffin, Richard J Temkin, J. Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves Vol. 34, pp. 42-52 (2013).
- “Experimental Study of the Start-Up Scenario of a 1.5 MW, 110 GHz Gyrotron,” D. S. Tax, O. V. Sinitsyn, W. C. Guss, G. S. Nusinovich, M. A. Shapiro, and R. J. Temkin, IEEE Trans. Plasma Science, Vol. 41, No. 4, pp. 862-871 (2013).
- “High power breakdown testing of a photonic band-gap (PBG) accelerator structure with elliptical rods,” B. J. Munroe, A. M. Cook, M. A. Shapiro, R. J. Temkin, V. A. Dolgashev, L. L. Laurent, J. R. Lewandowski, A. D. Yeremian, S. G. Tantawi, and Roark A. Marsh, Phys. Rev. – Special Topics Accel. Beams, Vol. 16, 012005 (2013).
- “Calculation of Wakefields in a 17 GHz Beam-Driven Photonic Bandgap Accelerator Structure,” Min Hu, B. J. Munroe, M. A. Shapiro, and R. J. Temkin, Phys. Rev. – Special Topics Accel. Beams Vol. 16, 022002 (2013).
- “High Frequency Dynamic Nuclear Polarization,” Qing Zhe Ni, E. Daviso, Thach V. Can, E. Markhasin, S. K. Jawla, T. M. Swager, R. J Temkin, J. Herzfeld and R. G. Griffin, Accounts of Chemical Research DOI: 10.1021/ar300348n (2013).
- “Millimeter wave scattering and diffraction in 110 GHz air breakdown plasma,” Alan M. Cook, Jason S. Hummelt, Michael A. Shapiro, and Richard J. Temkin, Physics of Plasmas Vol. 20, 043507 (2013).