Project Registration Form

Email address [required]:

Description of Project Activities -click here for instructions

Title of Project [required]:
Keywords [required]:

Scientific Classification - assign at least one and no more than six codes from AXIS I and AXIS II lists included as links below

AXIS I [required]:
AXIS II [required]:

Project Abstract - length: 300 to 400 words [required]


Funding for this project - allocate % if more than one Grant [required]

Grant Title:
Agency Grant Number:
Grant Title:
Agency Grant Number:
Grant Title:
Agency Grant Number:

Investigator Information - provide the following information for each investigator [required]

Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial)
Highest Academic Degree
Affiliation: Department
Affiliation: Institution
Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial)
Highest Academic Degree
Affiliation: Department
Affiliation: Institution
Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial)
Highest Academic Degree
Affiliation: Department
Affiliation: Institution

Training - estimate the total number of hours of spectrometer time dedicated to teaching (if none, write none) and identify all trainees by name [required]

Hours of spectrometer time dedicated to teaching
Trainee's Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial)
Trainee's Status (e.g. students, new users)
Trainee's Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial)
Trainee's Status (e.g. students, new users)
Trainee's Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial)
Trainee's Status (e.g. students, new users)
Publications (for continuing projects only) - list all articles, book chapters and abstracts not previously reported that resulted from use of CMR. Please format your entries as follows: Author(s) (last, first, middle initial), title of article, journal, volume no, pages (e.g. 33-38), year.



Francis Bitter Magnet Laboratory
NW14, 150 Albany Street
Cambridge, MA 02139
Phone: (617) 253-5478