L. Rafael Reif
In our last Faculty Newsletter (March/April 2006), our colleague and co-chair of MIT's Faculty Diversity Council, Professor Nancy Hopkins, wrote an illuminating article . . .
Dana G. Mead
The MIT Corporation is the Institute's governing body or board of trustees. What does the MIT Corporation do? A former President of MIT opined for me recently: "It has . . . |
From the Faculty Chair
Lorna J. Gibson
In this last Newsletter for the semester, I would like to summarize some of the main accomplishments of the standing committees of the faculty for the past year.
Newsletter Staff
Faculty Newsletter editorial board member Stephen J. Lippard has been awarded the National Medal of Science, the nation's highest science honor. |
Newsletter Staff
In light of the recent Report of the Energy Research Council at MIT and the May 3rd MIT Energy Forum, both of which exhibit the commitment to energy research . . .
Leon R. Glicksman
As part of the new energy initiative outlined in the Energy Research Council report, there is the need through MIT's future research and the development of our . . .
John Heywood
Some one-third of our primary energy consumption is used to transport people and goods. So transportation is an important research area in our developing . . .
Charles Stewart III
In the winter of 2003, then-President Charles M. Vest charged a cross-section of the MIT faculty with undertaking a fundamental review of the common undergraduate . . .
Alan Brody
At the end of this academic year I'll be stepping down as Associate Provost for the Arts and returning to the bosom of my colleagues on the faculty of Music and . . . |
Peter C. Purdue Who would have imagined that a 100-year-old Japanese wood-block print could have caused so much trouble? It all began innocently enough, on April 23rd, when . . . |
MIT Chinese Student and Scholar Association
After actively participating in the resolution of the recent controversy surrounding the "Visualizing Cultures" Website, we at the Chinese Student and Scholar Association . . |
Suzanne Flynn This spring, MIT launched Phase One of a three-part, 18-month program evaluation of the undergraduate Communication Requirement (CR). As you will recall . . . |
Edward B. Seldin
In "An Open Letter to the MIT Faculty" in a previous issue of the Faculty Newsletter (January/February 2006), I expressed the personal belief that the Institute creates . . . |
Ike Colbert The Faculty Resources Website has a new resource called "Current Practices in Graduate Student Administration." This compilation, illustrating current . . . |
MIT Poetry Anthony Lioi
Stir-crazy noctiluca,
the dinoflagellate as night-light,
enlightens a summer solstice |
Charles Leiserson and Catherine Avril
What do you do when confronted with an apparently unmotivated student? How do you deal with interpersonal conflicts that could jeopardize your research? |
Jerrold M. Grochow Use of information technology has become one of the most important factors in the success of academic, research, and administrative enterprise at MIT. |
Newsletter Staff
In March of this year, all undergraduate seniors were invited to complete an on-line satisfaction survey. This survey is administered every two years; this is the third . . . |
Richard Schmalensee The goal of the Smart Buy Purchasing Initiative is to simplify and improve the purchasing of commodities and services across the Institute – saving time and . . . |
M.I.T. Numbers |