This issue of
the Faculty Newsletter features our editorial on a wide variety of subjects; the continuing discussion on the need for more grad student housing; and a response to the Recommendations on the Future of MIT Education.
Once you embark on a path, although you may have some fun and heartbreak along the way, among the most compelling questions you can consider is: "How will . . .
The East Campus/Kendall Square initiative as currently envisioned will adversely affect the graduate student body of MIT by making no serious commitment to deal . . .
I signed the petition for MIT to divest from fossil fuel companies. Few other MIT faculty members have signed – 50 as opposed to the 300 at Stanford – so I was curious . . .
In the November/December issue of the MIT Faculty Newsletter, two related articles appeared: “The Future of MIT Education," by Sarma/Wilcox/Ruiz, and "Issues . . .
I am from Haiti. In Haiti, when we enter a room and greet our audience, we say, in Haitian Creole, “Onè,” which means that we honor each and all of you in the . . .
The Freshmen/Alumni Summer Internship Program (F/ASIP) provides MIT freshmen the opportunity to develop competencies in career exploration, communication . . .