Searching for Contacts

Evolution allows searching through contacts quickly and easily.

To search through contacts:

  1. Select your search focus in the search bar.

  2. Enter your query.

  3. Press return to search.

You can refine searches by doing several in succession, or start over by pressing the Show All button.

If there are no matches, the card display will be blank. When you'd like to see all the cards again, press Show All.

Example 5-1. Refining a Quick Search

Tom comes back from lunch and finds a note on his keyboard: "Curtis in sales called for you, but he didn't leave a number, and I forgot to write down the name of the company he works for. He said it was important, though." Tom is not at all annoyed.

He opens his contacts folder, and runs a quick search for "Curtis." There are eighteen different people with that name in the file. He then enters "Sales," and Evolution narrows it down to the right Curtis. He only becomes annoyed when he discovers that the call was not actually important.

To perform a complex search through your contacts:

  1. Open Tools->Search for contacts

  2. Name the rule in the Rule Name field.

  3. Setup your criteria information in the If section.

  4. If you want to add more critera, click the Add Criterion button.

  5. Click Search.

To show all your contacts, select Show All in the Search Bar or search with an empty query.