
GtkComboBox — a widget used to choose from a list of items.


#include <gtk/gtk.h>

struct      GtkComboBox;
GtkWidget*  gtk_combo_box_new               (void);
GtkWidget*  gtk_combo_box_new_with_model    (GtkTreeModel *model);
void        gtk_combo_box_set_wrap_width    (GtkComboBox *combo_box,
                                             gint width);
void        gtk_combo_box_set_row_span_column
                                            (GtkComboBox *combo_box,
                                             gint row_span);
void        gtk_combo_box_set_column_span_column
                                            (GtkComboBox *combo_box,
                                             gint column_span);
gint        gtk_combo_box_get_active        (GtkComboBox *combo_box);
void        gtk_combo_box_set_active        (GtkComboBox *combo_box,
                                             gint index_);
gboolean    gtk_combo_box_get_active_iter   (GtkComboBox *combo_box,
                                             GtkTreeIter *iter);
void        gtk_combo_box_set_active_iter   (GtkComboBox *combo_box,
                                             GtkTreeIter *iter);
GtkTreeModel* gtk_combo_box_get_model       (GtkComboBox *combo_box);
void        gtk_combo_box_set_model         (GtkComboBox *combo_box,
                                             GtkTreeModel *model);
GtkWidget*  gtk_combo_box_new_text          (void);
void        gtk_combo_box_append_text       (GtkComboBox *combo_box,
                                             const gchar *text);
void        gtk_combo_box_insert_text       (GtkComboBox *combo_box,
                                             gint position,
                                             const gchar *text);
void        gtk_combo_box_prepend_text      (GtkComboBox *combo_box,
                                             const gchar *text);
void        gtk_combo_box_remove_text       (GtkComboBox *combo_box,
                                             gint position);
void        gtk_combo_box_popup             (GtkComboBox *combo_box);
void        gtk_combo_box_popdown           (GtkComboBox *combo_box);

Object Hierarchy


Implemented Interfaces

GtkComboBox implements AtkImplementorIface and GtkCellLayout.


  "active"               gint                  : Read / Write
  "column-span-column"   gint                  : Read / Write
  "model"                GtkTreeModel          : Read / Write
  "row-span-column"      gint                  : Read / Write
  "wrap-width"           gint                  : Read / Write

Style Properties

  "appears-as-list"      gboolean              : Read

Signal Prototypes

"changed"   void        user_function      (GtkComboBox *combobox,
                                            gpointer user_data);



struct GtkComboBox

struct GtkComboBox;

gtk_combo_box_new ()

GtkWidget*  gtk_combo_box_new               (void);

Creates a new empty GtkComboBox.

Returns : A new GtkComboBox.

Since 2.4

gtk_combo_box_new_with_model ()

GtkWidget*  gtk_combo_box_new_with_model    (GtkTreeModel *model);

Creates a new GtkComboBox with the model initialized to model.

model : A GtkTreeModel.
Returns : A new GtkComboBox.

Since 2.4

gtk_combo_box_set_wrap_width ()

void        gtk_combo_box_set_wrap_width    (GtkComboBox *combo_box,
                                             gint width);

Sets the wrap width of combo_box to be width. The wrap width is basically the preferred number of columns when you want to the popup to be layed out in a table.

combo_box : A GtkComboBox.
width : Preferred number of columns.

Since 2.4

gtk_combo_box_set_row_span_column ()

void        gtk_combo_box_set_row_span_column
                                            (GtkComboBox *combo_box,
                                             gint row_span);

Sets the column with row span information for combo_box to be row_span. The row span column contains integers which indicate how many rows an item should span.

combo_box : A GtkComboBox.
row_span : A column in the model passed during construction.

Since 2.4

gtk_combo_box_set_column_span_column ()

void        gtk_combo_box_set_column_span_column
                                            (GtkComboBox *combo_box,
                                             gint column_span);

Sets the column with column span information for combo_box to be column_span. The column span column contains integers which indicate how many columns an item should span.

combo_box : A GtkComboBox.
column_span : A column in the model passed during construction.

Since 2.4

gtk_combo_box_get_active ()

gint        gtk_combo_box_get_active        (GtkComboBox *combo_box);

Returns the index of the currently active item, or -1 if there's no active item.

combo_box : A GtkComboBox.
Returns : An integer which is the index of the currently active item, or -1 if there's no active item.

Since 2.4

gtk_combo_box_set_active ()

void        gtk_combo_box_set_active        (GtkComboBox *combo_box,
                                             gint index_);

Sets the active item of combo_box to be the item at index.

combo_box : A GtkComboBox.
index_ : An index in the model passed during construction, or -1 to have no active item.

Since 2.4

gtk_combo_box_get_active_iter ()

gboolean    gtk_combo_box_get_active_iter   (GtkComboBox *combo_box,
                                             GtkTreeIter *iter);

Sets iter to point to the current active item, if it exists.

combo_box : A GtkComboBox
iter : The uninitialized GtkTreeIter.
Returns : TRUE, if iter was set

Since 2.4

gtk_combo_box_set_active_iter ()

void        gtk_combo_box_set_active_iter   (GtkComboBox *combo_box,
                                             GtkTreeIter *iter);

Sets the current active item to be the one referenced by iter. iter must correspond to a path of depth one.

combo_box : A GtkComboBox
iter : The GtkTreeIter.

Since 2.4

gtk_combo_box_get_model ()

GtkTreeModel* gtk_combo_box_get_model       (GtkComboBox *combo_box);

Returns the GtkTreeModel which is acting as data source for combo_box.

combo_box : A GtkComboBox.
Returns : A GtkTreeModel which was passed during construction.

Since 2.4

gtk_combo_box_set_model ()

void        gtk_combo_box_set_model         (GtkComboBox *combo_box,
                                             GtkTreeModel *model);

Sets the model used by combo_box to be model. Will unset a previously set model (if applicable). If model is NULL, then it will unset the model.

Note that this function does not clear the cell renderers, you have to call gtk_combo_box_cell_layout_clear() yourself if you need to set up different cell renderers for the new model.

combo_box : A GtkComboBox.
model : A GtkTreeModel.

Since 2.4

gtk_combo_box_new_text ()

GtkWidget*  gtk_combo_box_new_text          (void);

Convenience function which constructs a new text combo box, which is a GtkComboBox just displaying strings. If you use this function to create a text combo box, you should only manipulate its data source with the following convenience functions: gtk_combo_box_append_text(), gtk_combo_box_insert_text(), gtk_combo_box_prepend_text() and gtk_combo_box_remove_text().

Returns : A new text combo box.

Since 2.4

gtk_combo_box_append_text ()

void        gtk_combo_box_append_text       (GtkComboBox *combo_box,
                                             const gchar *text);

Appends string to the list of strings stored in combo_box. Note that you can only use this function with combo boxes constructed with gtk_combo_box_new_text().

combo_box : A GtkComboBox constructed using gtk_combo_box_new_text().
text : A string.

Since 2.4

gtk_combo_box_insert_text ()

void        gtk_combo_box_insert_text       (GtkComboBox *combo_box,
                                             gint position,
                                             const gchar *text);

Inserts string at position in the list of strings stored in combo_box. Note that you can only use this function with combo boxes constructed with gtk_combo_box_new_text().

combo_box : A GtkComboBox constructed using gtk_combo_box_new_text().
position : An index to insert text.
text : A string.

Since 2.4

gtk_combo_box_prepend_text ()

void        gtk_combo_box_prepend_text      (GtkComboBox *combo_box,
                                             const gchar *text);

Prepends string to the list of strings stored in combo_box. Note that you can only use this function with combo boxes constructed with gtk_combo_box_new_text().

combo_box : A GtkComboBox constructed with gtk_combo_box_new_text().
text : A string.

Since 2.4

gtk_combo_box_remove_text ()

void        gtk_combo_box_remove_text       (GtkComboBox *combo_box,
                                             gint position);

Removes the string at position from combo_box. Note that you can only use this function with combo boxes constructed with gtk_combo_box_new_text().

combo_box : A GtkComboBox constructed with gtk_combo_box_new_text().
position : Index of the item to remove.

Since 2.4

gtk_combo_box_popup ()

void        gtk_combo_box_popup             (GtkComboBox *combo_box);

Pops up the menu or dropdown list of combo_box.

This function is mostly intended for use by accessibility technologies; applications should have little use for it.

combo_box : a GtkComboBox

Since 2.4

gtk_combo_box_popdown ()

void        gtk_combo_box_popdown           (GtkComboBox *combo_box);

Hides the menu or dropdown list of combo_box.

This function is mostly intended for use by accessibility technologies; applications should have little use for it.

combo_box : a GtkComboBox

Since 2.4


The "active" property

  "active"               gint                  : Read / Write

The item which is currently active.

Allowed values: >= -1

Default value: -1

The "column-span-column" property

  "column-span-column"   gint                  : Read / Write

TreeModel column containing the column span values.

Allowed values: >= 0

Default value: 0

The "model" property

  "model"                GtkTreeModel          : Read / Write

The model for the combo box.

The "row-span-column" property

  "row-span-column"      gint                  : Read / Write

TreeModel column containing the row span values.

Allowed values: >= 0

Default value: 0

The "wrap-width" property

  "wrap-width"           gint                  : Read / Write

Wrap width for layouting the items in a grid.

Allowed values: >= 0

Default value: 0

Style Properties

The "appears-as-list" style property

  "appears-as-list"      gboolean              : Read

Whether combobox dropdowns should look like lists rather than menus.

Default value: FALSE


The "changed" signal

void        user_function                  (GtkComboBox *combobox,
                                            gpointer user_data);

combobox :the object which received the signal.
user_data :user data set when the signal handler was connected.