
GtkSeparatorToolItem — A toolbar item that separates groups of other toolbar items.


#include <gtk/gtk.h>

struct      GtkSeparatorToolItem;
GtkToolItem* gtk_separator_tool_item_new    (void);
void        gtk_separator_tool_item_set_draw
                                            (GtkSeparatorToolItem *item,
                                             gboolean draw);
gboolean    gtk_separator_tool_item_get_draw
                                            (GtkSeparatorToolItem *item);

Object Hierarchy


Implemented Interfaces

GtkSeparatorToolItem implements AtkImplementorIface.


  "draw"                 gboolean              : Read / Write


A GtkSeparatorItem is a GtkToolItem that separates groups of other GtkToolItems. Depending on the theme, a GtkSeparatorToolItem will often look like a vertical line on horizontally docked toolbars.

If the property "expand" is TRUE and the property "draw" is FALSE, a GtkSeparatorToolItem will act as a "spring" that forces other items to the ends of the toolbar.

Use gtk_separator_tool_item_new() to create a new GtkSeparatorToolItem.


struct GtkSeparatorToolItem

struct GtkSeparatorToolItem;

The GtkSeparatorToolItem struct contains only private data and should only be accessed through the functions described below.

gtk_separator_tool_item_new ()

GtkToolItem* gtk_separator_tool_item_new    (void);

Create a new GtkSeparatorToolItem

Returns : the new GtkSeparatorToolItem

Since 2.4

gtk_separator_tool_item_set_draw ()

void        gtk_separator_tool_item_set_draw
                                            (GtkSeparatorToolItem *item,
                                             gboolean draw);

When separator_tool_items is drawn as a vertical line, or just blank. Setting this FALSE along with gtk_tool_item_set_expand() is useful to create an item that forces following items to the end of the toolbar.

item : a GtkSeparatorToolItem
draw : whether separator_tool_item is drawn as a vertical iln

Since 2.4

gtk_separator_tool_item_get_draw ()

gboolean    gtk_separator_tool_item_get_draw
                                            (GtkSeparatorToolItem *item);

Returns whether separator_tool_item is drawn as a line, or just blank. See gtk_separator_tool_item_set_draw().

item : a GtkSeparatorToolItem
Returns : TRUE if separator_tool_item is drawn as a line, or just blank.

Since 2.4


The "draw" property

  "draw"                 gboolean              : Read / Write

Whether the separator is drawn, or just blank.

Default value: TRUE

See Also


The toolbar widget


A toolbar item containing a radio button