Research Reports and Presentations
G.K. Raju, Ph.D.

Research Reports and Presentations

Research Reports

  • Raju, G. K., D. Ortiz and C. L. Cooney. SYMBIOSIS: An integrated environment for bioprocess learning, Gensym University Network competition, Gensym Corporation, May 1994.

Research Presentations

  • Byrn, S.R., K. Morris, G. Peck, J. Stowell, C.L.Cooney, G.K. Raju and C. K. Lai. NIR and LIF Methods for Monitoring Blend Homogeneity. American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS) Annual Meeting, Indiana, Oct-Nov 2000.

  • Raju, G. K. Pharmaceutical Manufacturing: Where is the opportunity? To be presented at the International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering (ISPE), Creating Performance in the Pharmaceutical Industry Meeting, Zurich, September, 2001.

  • Raju, G. K. and C. L. Cooney. Using Artificial Neural Networks to recognize hidden patterns in bioprocess data, American Chemical Society annual meeting, San Diego, April 1994.

  • Raju, G. K. and C. L. Cooney. A Neural Network Approach to Bioprocess Control, Annual IFAC Meeting, Boulder, Colorado, 1992.

  • Raju, G. K. and C. L. Cooney. Using Artificial Neural Networks in Bioprocess Control, ACS Annual Meeting, Washington, August 1990.