Hundreds of Miles from Home


A Little Late

About two weeks ago, Micah’s cousin Miria came to Okayama and subsequently stayed in Tamano for a few nights. She spent the first day viewing Okayama, and then the night in Hachihama. The following day my host mom and a friend took her to Kurashiki for sightseeing, and then she came to a party (after a little trouble with the train) at Shoko’s house. Somehow Miria managed to avoid my camera, so I’ll use this opportunity as an excuse for a general picture update.


  • That's right. I only leave a picture trail on my own site. I had a great trip then, and just got back from a great trip to Shikoku. Enjoy the rest of your stay and good luck at MIT.

    By Miria Ginnis, at 11:00 PM  

  • Hi Ben, very nice pictures once again. When you'll go back home, I'll definitely miss your thrilling stories and pics.
    Have a nice weekend. Bibi.

    By Bibi Blogsberg, at 3:46 AM  

  • Does that imply that I won't have thrilling stories and pictures when I go home?!?

    By Benjamin, at 12:18 AM  

  • Hey Bibi,
    Keep reading next year.
    The best may be yet to come.

    By Katy, at 7:32 AM  

  • I’m sorry, if my comment was misleading. Of course it just expressed my concern about “thousands of miles from home” changing into “home” and that this might be the end of a wonderful blogyear, not to be continued. But if there is hope that you will keep people around the world updated about your further adventures, this would be really good news. Because I’m positive that there are a lot of very interesting stories waiting for you, wherever you go. :)

    By Bibi Blogsberg, at 1:44 PM  

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