Hundreds of Miles from Home


My wonderful mother, who can now read all about herself of my blog Posted by Picasa


  • Dear Reading Public,
    I tried to get Ben to remove this picture of his fat mother from the blog, but he would not. The 30 lbs. that he did not gain in Japan somehow ended up on me. Bummer!

    By mom, at 12:20 PM  

  • That's what moms are for! Btw I like fat mothers. :-)))))))

    By Bibi Blogsberg, at 6:12 PM  

  • Hi Mom! Good to finally meet the person that proposed an interesting birthday present.

    Be sure to give in to the dark force and learn to play mahjong so that when I visit the three of us can play, right Ben?!!

    By Neil, at 10:53 PM  

  • You wore the blazer? In public? Thanks for the picture of your mom. She looks as nice as she types.

    By Donna, at 5:12 AM  

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