Hundreds of Miles from Home


And It Begins

I would love to recap the actual process that took me from Morgantown, West Virginia to the MIT campus, but it may be a futile, albeit time consuming attempt. And I'm ever so tired. Instead, I’ll appeal to your artistic sense with a few pictures from the journey.

Suffice to say, this is an amazing place.


  • It's Pete from down under.

    I just wanted to share an amusing experience from class the other day (yes, I'm -still- hanging around!)

    I was suddenly convinced that this one picture of John Lennon looked way too much like Yon..., well, Yon-Sama. I have a terrible time remembering Korean names for some reason. To convince a friend, I went onto trusty google image search and punched in "yon sama". One of the pictures was strangely familiar. Oh. That's right, because it's of my glasses. On you.

    Feel famous!

    By Peter, at 6:29 AM  

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