Hundreds of Miles from Home


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  • Hi Benjamin,
    this picture is screaming for a comment. I won't disclose all my thoughts, just wanted to say that it's high time for you to go to college and do something decent.
    I wish you all the best and I hope you keep us updated. Looking forward to all your (hopefully photographicly supported) adventures, take care, Bibi.

    By Bibi Blogsberg, at 5:47 PM  

  • this picture rocks. beercakes rocks.

    many stories already piling up for the new year.

    question: can I start a blog that actually also mails out my posts to people? I ask since most of my friends are too lazy to check a site, that if it gets sent to them, that would work.

    let me know, genius boy.


    By neil, at 12:55 AM  

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