Hundreds of Miles from Home


Shameless Plugs

If you didn't know, I have a radio show that broadcasts every Tuesday morning from 3-4 AM on WMBR, college radio 88.1 in Boston. I know that's sort of an unreasonable time for most people, so I'll try to post some feeds from the program on the blog in an effort to expand your music horizons.

Here's a little sample

It's strange to hear yourself over a recorded medium.

In other news, after finishing my 8.01 Phyiscs test last night (7:30-9:30 PM, arguably a strange time), I cruised on over to The Roxy to hear Atmosphere in concert. An excellent show, which was bolstered by the fact that the tickets were free thanks to the radio station.

Also, my story about Murakami visiting MIT was published in The Tech. It's no front-pager, but still nice to see something printed en masse.

The last two weeks have been absolute educational nightmares. I don't care to reflect on how many hours were spent studying, problem set-ing, or staring at a physics book scratching my head. However, I now have an entire (parents) weekend to blow on less academic pursuits.

If only the rain would stop...


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