The Seashore Trolley Museum crew awaits the presentation of its donation
Eliot Kaplan - Trolley Conductor and Board Marker
Todd with Auction Manager Edye Baker, who is retiring after 19 years
The best technical crew on television
Danny displays the 1999 Auction Cookbook
Todd and Bid the Bear with 'chief volunteer' Debbie Katsorubas
Getting ready to present Bon Appetit at Table E
With Lianne Eaton at Table E
Time to push those cars and trips!
Getting instructions from Auction Central
With Hank Morse in the Bid Takers' Balcony
The Specials production crew watches the sell-off
The Specials crew celebrates!
The Walter Cronkite Two Tag Pillowcase
Phils Collyer and Rane
Edye sells the last official table
Todd, Danny, and Barbara Fienman take calls from viewers
Executive Producer Phil Collyer sells 'only the best' to end the 1999 Channel 2 Auction!
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Last modified: 15-Jun-99 <>