
The Global Agenda! Team has designed and taught a mini course over the last two Interim Activity Periods for MIT undergraduate and graduate students. Below are the descriptions of these courses.


MIT IAP 2006: 17.918

Special Topics in Political Science

New Global Agenda: Exploring 21st Century Challenges through Innovations in Information Technologies

Faculty Advisor: Professor Nazli Choucri
Instructors: Christi Electris, Behram Mistree, Dinsha Mistree

This workshop is designed to introduce students to different perspectives on international politics in the 21st century. Students will explore how advances in information technology are changing international relations and global governance through opening new channels of communication, creating new methods of education, and new potentials for democratization. We will consider the positive and negative externalities associated with applications of such technologies. Students will be encouraged to look at alternative futures, and/or to frame solutions to problems that they define. The class will include guest lectures, discussions, and a final project and presentation.


MIT IAP 2005: 17. 914

International Politics in the New Century – via Interactive Gaming & Simulation

Professor Nazli Choucri
Department of Political Science
Teaching Assistants: Christi Electris, Cristobal Garcia and Carlos I. Ortiz

This workshop is designed to introduce students to different perspectives on politics and the state of the world through new visualization techniques and approaches to interactive political gaming (and selective 'edutainment.’) Specifically, we shall explore applications of interactive tools (such as video & web-based games, blogs or simulations) to examine critical challenges in international politics of the 21C century focusing specifically on general insights and specific understandings generated by operational uses of core concepts in political science.

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US State Department 2001

US State Department 2001