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MIT Graduate Student Symposium

240th ACS National Meeting, Monday, August 23rd, 2010

Seaport Hotel - Plaza Ballroom A

Joan Berkowitz - Farkas Berkowitz & Company

William Rees, Jr - Los Alamos National Laboratory

David Goldston - National Resources Defense Council

John Deutch - Massachusetts Institute of Technology

John Gavenonis - DuPont

George Whitesides - Harvard

Jay Keasling - University of California Berkeley

Kathryn Beers - National Institute of Standards and Technology

Janan Hayes - Chair of the ACS Division of History of Chemistry All attendees of the symposium who fill out a feedback form have the chance to win a spot at the dinner with the speakers. The dinner will take place at No. 9 Park Street in Boston on Monday 8/23, 7:30 PM .

Drawings will be at the end of the morning session and after the afternoon session. More details will be available at the symposium.

To contact us, please email gsspc@mit.edu.