MIT Hapa Club Constitution
As of Thursday, September 8, 2005
Article I: Purpose
The purpose of the MIT HAPA Club is to promote multiracial awareness on campus. The MIT HAPA club will provide a fun and comfortable environment for people of multiracial backgrounds.
Article II: Membership
1. Any member of the MIT community interested in hapa/mixed race issues is eligible to become a member of this organization. One is considered a member of this organization in any given academic term if he/she has attended at least one club activity and one meeting in the preceding or current term.
2. The membership of this organization will at all times contain at least 5 MIT students and be more than half MIT students.
3. This organization will not discriminate based on any characteristic listed in MIT's Nondiscrimination Statement.
4. If MIT HAPA decides to charge monetary dues, exceptions will be made for those who cannot afford it.
Article III: Officers
This organization will have 7 officers.
All officers of this organization must be distinct persons, MIT students, and members of MIT HAPA.
The term of office will be from fall semester to spring semester.
Election of officers shall be held the first meeting in April. At least two weeks notice shall be given before the election meeting. Nominations shall be initiated from the floor and elections done by a ballot. The person receiving majority vote will be elected.
Any officer may be removed from membership by a two-thirds vote of the leadership board. Any officer removed may appeal to the general membership. Said officer shall be considered reinstated with two-thirds approval of the members.
Any vacancy that may occur in an office shall be filled by appointment by the president pending ratification at the next group business meeting.
1. The president shall be the official representative of the group to any other organization and to MIT.
2. The president will preside over all meetings.
3. The president is responsible for determining when meetings occur.
Vice President
The vice president will give input/assistance at both leadership and member meetings.
The vice president shall be responsible for scheduling programs, other than meetings.
1. The treasurer shall be responsible for the finances of the group.
2. The treasurer is required to sign all checks/vouchers of the group.
3. The treasurer shall keep a current record of all financial transactions.
4. The treasurer shall develop quarterly reports containing a list of all receipts.
5. The treasurer will be responsible fur checking the accuracy of all bills and invoices and paying them correctly and on time.
6. The treasurer will sign up for fundraising opportunities.
7. The treasurer will prepare the forms for all Undergraduate Association Financial Board requests and attend the designated meeting.
The secretary shall be responsible for publicizing all meetings and events to the group.
The secretary shall be responsible for keeping the minutes of all meetings and the meetings of the leadership board.
The secretary shall maintain a complete and accurate account of attendance and membership status.
The secretary will check the mailbox in the ASA office.
Publicity Chair
1. The publicity chair will promote and arrange tabling for events and meetings.
2. The publicity chair will be responsible for t-shirt and other sales.
The historian will document and photograph all the events for future record and the website.
The webmaster will update and design the MIT HAPA webpage and maintain such a page.
Article IV: Meetings
1. Meetings shall be held at when two of the four members of the leadership board (consisting of the president, vice president, treasurer, and secretary) decide to hold one, at least one meeting a month.
2. Meetings shall be presided over by the president, unless she is absent, and in that case the vice president shall preside.
3. All decisions shall be made by a majority vote of all members present.
4. Quorum for a meeting shall be one quarter of the members of the organization.
5. At least 5 days notice is required for officer meetings.
Article V: Amendments
1. Amendments shall be presented by any member of the organization.
2. Amendments shall be passed by a two-thirds voted of the members present.
3. Quorum for amending this constitution shall be one third of all members of the organization.
Article VI: ASA Governance Clause
The MIT HAPA Club agrees to abide by the rules and regulations of the Association of Student Activities, and its executive board. This constitution, amendments to it, and the by-laws of this organization shall be subject to review by the ASA Executive Board to insure that they are in accordance with the aforementioned rules and regulations.