HKN Underground Guide to VI-A

Lucent Technologies

Location: Murray Hill, NJ
Number of Respondents: 3

          Lucent Technologies is located in urban Murray Hill, NJ. One student stayed at home, one stayed in the dorms at Rutgers (that the company helped provide), and one stayed in an apartment. The students not staying at home commuted by a 40-minute shuttle bus ride and a 30-minute bike ride, respectively. The students found the area to be very boring with regards to after-work activities.

          Though the respondents came in contact with a lot of other students over the summer, there was little interaction. The few events organized by the company included trips and a picnic. All respondents worked in large, shared offices, and most judged the dress to be very casual, the work environment very laid back, and the hours flexible. They were treated with respect and worked with good equipment.

          The students were split between applied and basic research and worked on projects that were arranged before the summer. Two of the students were assigned a project by a supervisor. The projects included implemeting cryptographic protocols and designing new circuitry inspired by biological systems. While two of the students felt very challenged, one felt overqualified for the project.

          Lucent Technologies does not offer health or dental insurance, but does pay moving costs and 5th year, 1st term tuition. Salaries were slightly above average.

          Though students' impressions of their groups ranged from very negative to very positive, they all had good impressions of the company. All would chose Lucent again and would consider working for them after graduation.

"New Brunswick campus is better because you can go out to eat/shop."
"Working conditions were very good. People are approachable and very helpful."
Statistics: Difficulty in finding housing: 2.3/5
Housing expense: $115/wk
Travel expense: $117
Freedom in defining one's project: 3.0/5
Ease of switching groups between years: 3.6/5
Encouragement to try out different groups: 2.6/5
Satisfaction with current work assignment: 4.0/5
Amount of interaction between students: 3.0/5
Flexibility of hours: 4.0/5
Amount saved during the summer: $4000
Overall impression of the company: 4.0/5

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