HKN Underground Guide to VI-A


Location: San Diego, CA
                Boulder, CO
Number of Respondents: 6

          Qualcomm has two locations. Four interns worked in San Diego and the other two worked in Boulder. Qualcomm provides assistance in finding housing and gives a $250/month housing subsidy. Housing was not too difficult to find and everyone lived in an apartment. Five interns drove to work while one biked and used public transportation. The commute was anywhere from 5 minutes to 1 hour. One intern complained about the frustrating rush hour commute in San Diego. Most found that San Diego offered after work activities. One of the interns at Boulder found the place to be "boring."

          Five interns worked on programming and computer simulation assignments given to them upon arrival. The other intern worked on his thesis. Most found their work to be fairly challenging and moderately important in their group's work. Interns found it very easy to switch groups in different years and were encouraged to try out different groups. One intern, however, was not allowed to try out different groups over the summer. All were very satisfied with their work assignments.

          Respondents differed on how much interaction they thought there was between interns. The two interns at Boulder felt there was little interaction except for a company-sponsored trip to a Rockies game. Most of the San Diego interns felt there was a moderate amount of interaction, and one felt there was a lot, citing a barbecue, a trip to Disneyland, races and lunches as examples of activities. Dress was casual and the work environment was laid back. The interns were treated with respect and found their co-workers to be very competent. All the interns had offices, some of which were shared. All the interns had access to up-to-date equipment.

          Qualcomm provides dental and health benefits. It also pays for moving costs and fifth year first term tuition. All the interns had a very positive impression of the company. All of them said they would choose to work at Qualcomm again and after graduation. Salary is below the west coast average for first and second year interns and average for the graduate intern.

"I had my own office which, though lonely, allowed me to be very productive."
"Love the activities/University environment."
Difficulty in finding housing: 3.0/5
Housing expense: $575-$730/month
Travel expense: $1120-$1800
Freedom in defining one's project: 3.3/5
Ease of switching groups between years: 4.0/5
Encouragement to try out different groups: 3.8/5
Satisfaction with current work assignment: 4.7/5
Amount of interaction between students: 2.3/5
Flexibility of hours: 4.3/5
Amount saved during the summer: $1000-$4000
Overall impression of the company: 4.8/5

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