warning - very old - go here

Hugh McManus

This is the alternate, formerly secret, still slightly embarrassing (yes, vacation pictures) version of my minimalistic personal home page. My professionally maintained MIT faculty page is better. I also have an on-line short resume. I work in the Lean Aerospace Initiative in the MIT department of Aeronautics and Astronautics (in an office), and I'm still associated with the TELAC composite materials research lab. I'm an associate fellow of the AIAA, serving as an Associate Editor of the Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets. I have taught courses in material and structural engineering and thermal structures that are relevant to aircraft and rockets, and an informal freshman seminar on media analysis that isn't. I live in Cambridge, on Creighton St., near Porter Square. I once lived in a co-ed fraternity and still have many friends from those days. Most of my hobbies are outdoors, and don't involve web surfing, although sometimes it helps for finding important or interesting stuff. I occasionally find amusement, beauty, or truth on the web.


These are mostly cropped and compressed JPEG files, typically 40-80k in size, so they should download in reasonable time even over a modem. There are a few big ones (over 200k) and one huge one (700k!) which are noted.

Here is a dog my wife likes. Here is my family (big), my favorite place, and my faithful transportation mode, the dirtmobile.

Here is the garden of irrational exuberance (big), with roses (big), and MOST CAT.

Do you dare face the horror of my vacation pictures? How about dragon boats(big)?

And of course, the Khan 15th anniversary party, featuring friends (big), more friends (big), kids (big), roomies...

not to be topped, the Nth annual Halloween Party at State College (huge) (this is a contact print of the entire roll; ask for reprints by number)

Now, the main event - introducing:

William Hugh Edward McManus

(aka the nipper, poopy, super-pooper-dupe...)

Will was born on April 7th, a little skinny (6# 4oz) and beat (18 hour labor, ending in a Ceasarian), but apparently happy to be here. He came home from the hospital a week later, and is developing deep interests in sleeping and gardening. He is making Dad (Dad's the one on the right), Mom, and Grandma very happy, and he is getting very spoiled. Thanks to all of you out there who have sent good wishes and/or baby stuff - we are a bit overwhelmed by the generousity of our friends.

3-4 months: he was cute, playing with dad (big), hanging out with his best buddy, Mr. Moon, playing with Mr. Fun, and affecting people in the strangest ways...

1/2 birthday! More fun with dad and mom, going to daycare, preparing for deleading (watched over by one of his beloved animals), and generally losing his fear of cameras and even smiling...

Citizen of the world! Out 9 months and 10 days (as long as he was in); happy, clean, thinking about crawling, eating everything in sight, and ruler of all he surveys.

Close to first birthday, and he is a cowboy, studying [1,2,3], playing with the giraffe [1,2], and Lori, having fun [1,2,3] and plotting his rule...