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Assignment Two (due April 8th) Assignment Three (due May 13th; note later date in light of recent events) Readings marked with an asterisk are essential.
Mental States: Emotions, Desires, Beliefs, Intentions
Akrasia, Weakness of Will, Self-Control
R. Holton, 'Intention and Weakness of Will', Journal of Philosophy 1999 JSTOR
R. Holton 'How is Strength of Will Possible?' in S. Stroud and C Tappolet (eds.) Weakness of Will and Practical Irrationality (Oxford University Press, 2003). [Acrobat version] M. Muraven and R. Baumeister, 'Self-Regulation and Depletion of Limited Resources: Does Self-Control Resemble a Muscle?', Psychological Bulletin 126 (2000) pp. 247-59.
M. Bratman 'Toxin, Temptation and the Stability of Intention' in Faces of Intention pp. 58-90. J. Broome, 'Are Intentions Reasons? And How Should We Cope with Incommensurable Values?', in C. Morris and A. Ripstein (eds.), Practical Rationality and Preference: Essays for David Gauthier (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001) pp. 98-120. Online version R. Holton 'Rational Resolve' The Philosophical Review 113 (2004) 507-35 [Acrobat version]
Wednesday March 20th No Class Mid term Break
Gary Watson 'Free Action and Free Will', Mind 96 (1987)
Watson, 'Responsibility and the Limits of Evil' D. Schoeman (ed.) Responsibility, Character and the Emotions (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987) Susan Wolf, 'The Importance of Freewill' Mind 90 (1981)
Self-Knowledge and Self-Deception
R. Holton, 'What is the role of the self in self-deception?' Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, 2000/1. Acrobat version
Joshua Greene, The Secret Joke of Kant's Soul, in Sinnott-Armstrong ed. Moral Psychology Vol III Selim Berker, "The Normative Insignificance of Neuroscience," Philosophy & Public Affairs 37:4 (2009), pp. 293-329.
G. Nunner Winkler, 'The Growth of Moral Motivation' in G. Noam and T. Wren (eds.) The Moral Self (Cambridge: MIT Press, 1993) --- 'Development of Moral Motivation from Childhood to Early Adulthood' Journal of Moral Education, (2007) 36: 4, 399 - 414. Rackozy et al, 'The Sources of Normativity', Developmental Psychology, (2008) Vol. 44, No. 3, 875Ð881 Shaun Nichols Norms with Feeling, Cognition 84 (2002)
Adina Roskies, 'Are ethical judgements intrinsically motivational? Lessons from acquired sociopathy'
Pettit and Knobe, The Pervasive Impact of Moral Judgment
Daryl Bem On the Uncommon Wisdom of our Lay Personality Theory Rachana Kamtekar Situationism and Virtue Ethics on the Content of our Character Ethics 114 (2004) Last updated May 2nd 2013 |