Family | Zebrafish Gene | Phenotypic Description | Image #1 | Image #2 | Image #3 | Image #4 |
hi3101 | NOP56 | day 1: cns necrosis and inflated hindbrain ventricle; day 2: smaller head and eyes, inflated hindbrain ventricle, rounder yolk with thin externsion, thin body; days 3-5: increasingly necrotic, small head and eyes and body, pericardial edema |  |  |  | |
hi3112b | mRNA capping enzyme | day 5: narrow head, slightly smaller eyes, slightly underdeveloped gut |  | | | |
hi3118 | NOP5/NOP58 | day 1: a little cns necrosis, thin/pinched midbrain/hindbrain boundary, pointy forebrain; day 2; small head and eys, slightly inflated hindbrain ventricle, rounder yolk with thin extension, thin body; day 4-5: very small and necrotic head and eyes, thin body with tail curled down, pericardial edema, underdeveloped liver/gut, round grey yolk |  |  | | |
hi3120 | YTM1 homolog | day 2: slightly smaller head and eyes; day 5: narrow head, smaller eyes, a bit of pericardial edema, underdeveloped liver/gut |  |  | | |
hi3174a | pleiotropic regulator 1 | day 1: rather necrotic, often head flat, body/trunk not extended much posterior to the yolk; day 2: cns necrosis, round grey yolk with thin extension, thin body; dies soon thereafter |  |  |  | |
hi3202b | polyA binding protein, PABPC1 | day 1: slightly smaller eyes, thin midbrain/hindbrain boundary; day 2 small head and eyes, inflated hindbrain ventricle, round grey yolk with thin yolk extension, less pigment; day 3-5 body becomes progressively necrotic and usually dies by day 5 |  |  | | |
hi3208 | protein kinase C lambda | late day 1: pericardial edema, denting yolk, heart small; day 2: smaller eyes with spotty RPE, shorter head, yolk dented by pericardial edema, small heart (no or very small atrium), brain ventricles underinflated, tail curved dorsally |  |  | | |
hi3235 | cdc2 homolog | day 2: cns necrosis, small head and eyes; day 3: very small head and eyes, round yolk, sometimes body bent up; day 5: nearly dead, very small head and eyes, severe edema over body and head |  |  | | |
hi3237 | Tho2 | day 4-5 small head and eyes, a bit of pericardial edema, underdeveloped liver/gut |  | | | |
hi3248 | nuclear RNA export factor 1 | day 1: severe cns and body necrosis; day 2: almost completely necrotic; day 3: dead |  | | | |
hi3263 | notch1a | day 1: posterior somite boundaries a bit indistinct; days 2-5: posterior somite boundaries remain indistinct or choppy, but all other structures develop normally, and most mutants do inflate swim bladders |  |  | | |
hi3282 | zinc finger protein 162 | day 3, 4: head and eyes a little smaller; day 5: small head and eyes, underdeveloped liver/gut , variable pericardial edema |  |  | | |
hi3305 | novel (wbscr21-like) | day 2: no pigment; day 3: no body pigment, small head and eyes; day 5: very little body pigment, small eyes, misshapen head, underdeveloped liver/gut |  |  |  | |
hi3308 | novel (testis specific leucine rich repeat protein-like; seahorse) | day 2: ventrally curved body, small kidney cyst; day 5, curved or wavy body, kidney cyst |  | | | |
hi3332 | NF2a | day 5: slightly (variably) narrower head, slightly (variably) underdeveloped gut, sometimes a bit bent body |  | | | |
hi3351 | bystin-like | day 1: a little cns necrosis, thin/pinched midbrain/hindbrain boundary, pointy forebrain; day 2; cns necrosis, small head and eyes, slightly inflated hindbrain ventricle, rounder yolk with thin extension; day 5: small head and eye, thin body, a bit of pericardial edema, underdeveloped liver/gut, round grey yolk |  |  |  | |
hi3378 | UDP-glucuronic acid/UDP-N-acetylgalactosamine dual transporter | day 5: smaller and rounder head, jaws don't extend anterior of eyes, cartilage does not stain with Alcian blue |  |  | | |
hi3394a | splicing factor 3b, subunit 1, 155kDa | day 1: cns necrosis; day 2: worse cns necrosis, small head/eyes, round grey yolk with thin extension, thin and sometimes wasting body; day 3: very necrotic throughout; day 4: dead |  | | | |
hi3400 | novel (C20orf77-like) | day 5: slightly narrower head and eyes, slightly underdeveloped liver/gut; some mutants do inflate swim bladder |  | | | |
hi3417 | IFT57 / HIPPI | day 2: ventrally curved body, may see beginning of kidney cyst; day 5, curved or wavy body, kidney cyst |  |  | | |
hi3471 | ubiquitin fusion degradation 1-like protein | day 4 or 5: (variable penetrance) cns necrosis begins, head a little misshapen/small with thick jaw, small eyes, underdeveloped liver/gut, sometimes pericardial edema |  |  | | |
hi3475 | NA/K ATPase subunit 1 (ATP1A1A.1) | day 1: brain folds are irregular and ventricles underinflated; day 2: small, bumpy head, small eyes and ears, pericardial edema denting yolk, weak heartbeat, trunk slightly curved dorsally; day 5: lots of necrosis/degeneration, near dead, small everything, pericardial edema, swollen yolk, tail curled up. |  | | | |
hi3505 | dJ383J4.3-like | day 1: cns necrosis; day 2: severe cns necrosis, small head/eyes, round grey yolk with thin extension, thin and sometimes dorsally bent body; days 3-5: increasingly necrotic, usually dead by day 5 |  |  | | |
hi3510 | thymidylate synthase | day 3: slightly smaller head and eyes, pigment in eyes is spotty; day 5: smaller head, much smaller eyes with normal sized (thus bulging) lenses, sometimes inflate swim bladder |  |  | | |
hi3512b | novel (BC-2-like) | day 4: cns necrosis begins, with swollen yolk and pericardial edema; day 5; lots of necrosis/degereration throughout body |  | | | |
hi3512c | DNA polymerase beta | day 5: narrow head, slightly underdeveloped gut |  | | | |
hi3583 | Dolichyl-diphosphooligosaccharide--protein glycosyltransferase | day 5: smaller and rounder head, jaws don't extend anterior of eyes, sometimes some edema (pericardial and/or around head/eyes) |  |  | | |
hi3593 | 26S protease regulatory subunit S10B | day 3: a little cns necrosis, smaller head and eyes, round grey yolk; day 5: shrunken necrotic head and eyes, round grey yolk, underdeveloped liver/gut |  | | | |
hi3619 | ATP synthase oligomycin sensitivity conferral protein | day 1: slightly pinched midbrain/hindbrain boundary, inflated hindbrain ventricle; day 5: slightly small head and eyes, underdeveloped liver/gut, sometimes a little of pc edema |  |  | | |
hi3625a | EBNA1 binding protein 2-like | day 2: slightly smaller head and eyes with inflated hindbrain ventricle, rounder yolk with thin extension, thin body and less pigment (like delay); day 3: small head and eyes, thin body, round grey yolk with thin extension; days 4-5 progressively more necrotic head and thin/wasting body, develops pericardial edema, nearly dead by day 5 |  |  | | |
hi3630a | novel (TA-WDRP-like) | day 3: a bit smaller head and eyes; day 5: small head and eyes, underdeveloped liver/gut |  | | | |
hi3634 | BM039-like | day 1: cns necrosis; day 2: cns necrosis, smaller head and eyes; days 3-5: increasingly necrotic and small head, body increasingly thin and wasting |  |  | | |