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Meeting Roles | Officer Roles | Mentoring

Mentoring Program

You do not need to be an expert, or even a more experienced speaker, to help another person learn and grow. You do need to be able to offer your time, encouragement and attention. Not only is mentoring a way to help another person build his or her skills, it can help you become a better listener, observer and communicator. Do you have something valuable to offer another club member? Simply fill out the form below, and it will be sent to the club e-mail list. Alternatively you can use the sign-up sheets at our weekly meetings.

Types of things you might offer:

  • Tailored feedback (e.g., on speeches, meeting role performance, leadership)
  • Help with speech preparation (e.g., content, organization, practice)
  • To be a sounding board for ideas or concerns
E-mail address
What I can provide
How much time I can offer
Best way to contact me

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