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Mentoring Program

Chatter by the Charles Toastmasters encourages all members to help one another learn and grow, and to take advantage of what other members have to offer. To that end, we have developed a voluntary, informal mentoring program that helps facilitate connections among members. Here's how it works:

  • Each week, two mentoring sign up sheets are made available - one for individuals seeking help with a specific task or skill, and the other for individuals who have support or skills to offer. Any member may sign up on one or both sheets. Members may also submit their requests online, using the In Search of Mentoring and Available to Mentor forms.
  • Members are encouraged to scan both sign up sheets regularly. When you see someone on either list that you would like to work with, make contact!
  • Discuss your needs and interests with the other person. If both of you agree that yours would be a suitable match, cross out the initial sign-up sheet request.
  • Mentoring relationships should only last as long as they are useful. This could be anywhere from a single meeting to several months. Pay attention to the relationship so you will know when it is time to move on and try something new.
  • In general, there is no third-party involvement in these relationships. However, the VP Education and other club officers are available to assist if problems, concerns or questions arise.

Questions about the program? Contact your VP Education.


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