All Officers
- Attend club meetings regularly, and arrange for another officer to cover duties when absent
- Attend monthly officer meetings
- Attend 1-2 local Toastmasters officer trainings during the year
- Help plan club activities and take on other duties as necessary
- Serves as Club’s chief executive officer, responsible for general supervision and operation of the Club.
- Presides at Club meetings; greets new guests and members
- Directs Club in way which meets educational growth and leadership needs of members.
- In cooperation with executive team, establishes long-term and short-term goals for club growth.
- Chairs the Executive Committee (Officer Team)
- Ensures that all officer duties are completed in a timely and quality manner
- Ensures that all officers are adequately trained for their positions
- Works with Secretary and Vice President Membership to prepare and submit the semiannual membership report and maintain the calendar of events and deadlines
- Conducts monthly Officer meetings
- Represents the club within the Toastmasters organization at large by attending and voting at area, district, regional and international council meetings
Vice President Education
- Responsible for planning successful Club meetings so that each
member has the opportunity to achieve his or her educational goals.
- Maintains the schedule of weekly meeting roles and fills empty roles as needed
- Prepares and makes copies of the weekly agenda
- Makes weekly updates to the meeting roles, member directory, and CTM progress chart on the club website
- Signs Communication and Leadership manuals reports educational program completions promptly
to World Headquarters.
- Coordinates recognition of member achievement.
- As second-highest ranking Club officer, presides at Club and
executive committee meetings in absence of the President.
- Ensures that each new member receives orientation to the Toastmasters
educational program, including assignment of mentors and new member induction.
- Monitors the effectiveness of orientation and mentoring programs and makes improvements as necessary
Vice President Membership
Offical Duties (from Toastmaster International):
- Plans, organizes, and implements a continuous marketing effort
which ensures that the Club maintains or exceeds a charter membership level of
20 members.
- Works with groups inside and outside of Toastmasters to promote
Club membership and membership retention.
- In coordination with Club Treasurer, (and the Club Secretary
- ed.), responsible for prompt submission to World Headquarters of Club’s semiannual
report (including membership list and dues payment).
- Provides for recognition of Toastmasters who contribute to increase
of membership in Toastmasters International.
- Maintains accurate membership roster and attendance records.
- Chairman of Club Membership Committee.
Club-Specific Duties:
The VP of Membership focuses on the members' concern about the club and also seeks to expand the club through recruitment. Specific to our club, the VP of Membership:
- Answers all email inquiries that come in over the web site.
- Emails all guests after the Wednesday meeting thanking them for coming and encouraging them to come back.
- Welcomes any guests before a meeting and talks to them afterwards to answer any specific questions.
- Aids guests in filling out the membership application form should they choose to join.
In addition, the VP of membership should show at least 10 minutes early to each meeting to welcome and talk with any new or returning guests and be prepared to stay after for at least 20 minutes to answer questions/help with membership applications. Overall, though, it is very rewarding and leaves lots of room for flexibility to serve the role as you like.
Vice President Public Relations
- Develops, implements, and administers a program that maintains
a positive image of Toastmasters for all members, guest and the general public.
- Responsible for internal and external public relations
for the Club, including but not limited to:
- preparing and distributing news releases regarding Club activities;
- working with Club officers to develop literature about the Club;
- representing Club with the media.
- Works with the Club Newsletter Editor and Sergeant-at-Arms to
maintain an effective program of internal Club communication.
- Types and distributes minutes from officer and weekly club meetings
- Prepares and submits the semiannual membership report
- Keeps membership information up-to-date and accurate
- Monitors Toastmasters supplies and works with Treasurer to place new orders as needed
- Maintains a calendar of Toastmasters events and deadlines
- Maintains the general club business files
- Collects communication and leadership program manuals from new members once they receive their new member kits
- Along with Vice President Membership and Club Treasurer, ensures semiannual membership reports, dues, and membership roster are mailed to World Headquarters and received by April 10 and October 10.
- Submits names of newly elected officers to World Headquarters
within ten days following election.
- With President, is a co-signer on the club checking account
- Deposits checks, submits dues payments, pays all bills promptly
- Keeps complete and accurate records of al financial transactions
- Prepares and monitors the club's annual budget
- Presents a verbal and written financial report monthly
- Submit club accounts for audit upon request
- Notifies members of dues payable and collects semi-annual dues
- Along with the Vice President Membership and Club Secretary,
ensures semiannual membership reports, dues, and membership roster are mailed
to World Headquarters and received by April 10 and October 10.
Offical Duties (from Toastmaster International):
- Responsible for serving as master host and making proper physical
arrangements for all Club meetings.
- Coordinates with Vice President Public Relations and Vice President
Membership to ensure that each member and guest is welcomed at club meetings.
- Responsible for orderly conduct of meeting, including:
- arranging meal service,
- meeting room layout,
- setting out materials and equipment,
- collecting ballots,
- tallying votes,
- controlling Club property between meeting
Club-Specific Duties:
At our club, the Sergeant-at-Arms needs to show up to meetings about 15 minutes early to set up the room. This involves setting up the lectern, putting out name badges and the timer's equipment, and posting signs. The Sergeant-at-Arms should also keep track of the video camera and be prepared to assist the Camera Master if necessary. After meetings, the Sergeant-at-Arms needs make sure the room is in order and put the supplies away. As we don't serve meals at our meetings, the Sergeant-at-Arms does not have to worry about arranging for meal service.
Immediate Past President
- Provides guidance and serves as resource to Club officers and
- Chairs the Nominating Committee.
- Assists in the preparation of Club Success Plan and promotes
Club’s efforts to become a Distinguished Club.