Dial 100 for Emergencies

EHS Office: 2-3477 ⋅ MIT Emergency Contacts Website

Emergency Info

Emergency Numbers: 100 or 617-253-1212

Emergency meeting place is in front of Bdg-68

Radioactivity records are in hallway

Emergency response contacts are in red & white flip charts near phones

Formal suprise safety inspections every 6 months

Safety Info


Eyewash/eyewash bottles: Near every sink

Safety showers: In every room

Spill kits and fire extinguishers

No eating, drinking or applying cosmetics.

Four foot clearance in hallways at all times

Floor plans depicted in every room + evacuation route

Labeling and Storing Materials

Clear labels on all bottles

Caps on containers should be tight when not in use

No floor storage unless within secondary container (gray bins)

Avoid storing non-compatible containers together

Biohazard Waste

Solids (e.g. bacterial plates)

Biohazard waste containers

Fill out/attach yellow sticker when full

Tie up and leave in designated areas

Liquid Waste

Liquids (e.g. human cells, bacteria)

Small volumes – biohazard waste okay

Large volumes – sit in bleach 10 minutes → dispose in sink

Empty Bottles

Empty bottles (e.g. methanol)

Rinse with water, cross out label → dispose

No airing allowed

Liquid Chemical Waste

Store in designated containers in Satellite Accumulation Area (SAA)

Only one container per waste type permitted

Designate by filling out Red Card: Fill out date only when waste container is full. When full, see above for pick-up (w/in 3 days)

Must be kept in secondary container (gray bins)

Non-compatible waste must be kept separate

Radioactive Waste

Designated liquid and solid waste disposal areas

Fill out records by containers


Sharps container labeled with red biohazard sticker

Pickup Thursday morning

Biological Hazards

Tissue Culture: only BL2 facility in lab (all other rooms BL1)

Use of human cell lines

Use of ecotropic retroviruses and non-oncogenic lentiviruses

Lab equipment: Lab coats and gloves when working with human cells

Chemical Hazards

Flammable solvents

Nonflammable solvents

Permissible exposure limits (OSHA)/Threshold Limit Values (ACGIH) – see MSDS

Acids & Bases: Kept separate in secondary containers in acids/bases cabinet

Radioactive Hazards

Materials locked when not in use

Personal protective equipment – lab attire, shields

**Survey before and after procedure – Geiger counters (P32), wipe tests

Waste – see Waste Management Practices

Building, Equipment, or Temperature Issue

Call F-I-X-I-T, 617-253-4948

Start a work order on SAPweb. Under "Building Services" tab, click on "Repairs: Buildings" and cc abhughes@mit.edu

Contact Barry Hughes: 617-253-3168, abhughes@mit.edu

Glass Washers, Autoclaves, & Bio-Safety Cabinets

Contact Barry Hughes with room #, serial #, and description of the problem.

Barry's backup: Sarah Hufford, 617-324-2347, shufford@mit.edu


Jennifer Lynn, 617-253-2463, jlynn@mit.edu

EHS, 617-452-3477, environment@mit.edu

A/V or Computer Issues
