Picturing to Learn - So Far, So Good!


"I believe there was value in having students visually express some ideas I taught in lecture. We compared scores on the final exams 2004 vs 2005 and saw evidence in support of deeper understanding of concepts addressed in the picturing homework assignments."

"Just as important, I now feel inspired to revise my lectures, where possible, to increase the use of picturing to improve comprehension and retention by visually focusing on the subject matter."

Prof. Donald Sadoway, MIT
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Sadoway Research Group


Response to "Did you feel that making a drawing to show how a laser works helped you understand this better?"

"It confirmed what I did know and clarified what I didn't know."

Jin Kim, 2004
Student in Prof. Caroline Ross class: "Electrical, Optical, and Magnetic Materials and Devices."

"The animation became an interface for learning."

"When I became responsible for teaching others about the concepts through animation, I felt that I really had to understand what I was talking about and learned a great deal from the process."

Marianna Shnayderman, 2003 UROP Student