IAP 2001 Activity

What is Management Science?/What is Operations Research?
John Little, Stephen Graves
Wed Jan 10, Fri Jan 12, 10:30-11:30am, 2-105

No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Participants welcome at individual sessions (series)
Prereq: none

Do you enjoy mathematics and computers? Would you like to apply your skills to business, government, and non-profit institutions? Then come and learn about the fields of operations research and management science, a science for improving the decisions of organizations. These fields typically use data, mathematical models, and computer-based information systems. Intended for undergraduates and graduate students considering OR/MS as a field of study. The second session will be followed by a lunch in E40-106. Participants welcome at individual sessions but attendance at both sessions is encouraged.
Contact: Jeff Meldman, E40-165, x3-4932,
Sponsor: Sloan School of Management
Latest update: 31-Oct-2000

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Listing generated: 31-Jan-2001