Israeli Folk Dancing for IAP
Valerie Rosen
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Participants welcome at individual sessions (series)
Dance to music ranging from last week's Israeli pop hit to folk songs from the days of the pioneers. Come learn the newest, hottest dances in Israeli folk dancing. Lots of teaching! Lots of fun! Beginners are most welcome! No partner needed and absolutely no experience necessary. Come by yourself or bring friends. This will continue as a regular series of dances on Wednesday nights, so you can keep coming once you get hooked!
Contact: fdc@mit.ed
Sponsor: MIT Folk Dance Club
Special Beginner's Session
Valerie Rosen
Wed Jan 10, 07:30-09:00pm, TBD
Special Beginner's Session
Valerie Rosen
Wed Jan 17, 07:30-09:00pm, TBD
Special Beginner's Session
Valerie Rosen
Wed Jan 24, 07:30-09:00pm, TBD
Special Beginner's Session
Valerie Rosen
Wed Jan 31, 07:30-09:00pm, TBD
Latest update: 04-Nov-2000
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Listing generated: 31-Jan-2001