Living the Legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr.: Exploring the Past and Changing the Future
Tobie Weiner
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Participants welcome at individual sessions (series)
The Martin Luther King, Jr. Committee presents three evenings of dinner, video and discussion. Join us for a presentation and discussion of three of the "Eyes on the Prize" videos. We'll examine the accomplishments and struggles of some of the individuals who worked for positive change in their communities. You'll have a chance to connect with members of the MIT and Boston/Cambridge community and find out what YOU can do to make the world a better place.
Contact: Tobie Weiner, E53-484, x3-3649,
Sponsor: Political Science
TBA - Check on line guide for title
Tobie Weiner
Tue Jan 16, 05:30-07:30pm, 2-151
Tobie Weiner
Wed Jan 17, 05:30-07:30pm, 2-151
Tobie Weiner
Thu Jan 18, 05:30-07:30pm, 2-151
Latest update: 08-Jan-2001
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Listing generated: 31-Jan-2001