IAP 2001 Activity

Using DEMs in ESRI GIS products
Daniel Sheehan
Wed Jan 24, Thu Jan 25, 02-04:00pm, 1-115

Enrollment limited: advance sign up required (see contact below)
Limited to 22 participants.
Participants requested to attend all sessions (non-series)
Prereq: familiarity with the Athena environment, knowledge of Arcvie

This is a hands-on workshop that will help new Arcinfo and Arcview GIS users import and work with Digital Elevation Models. We will be downloading Digital Elevation Models in SDTS format and importing them into Arc/Info. We will look at basic GRID and Arcview Spatial Analyst hydrologic functions.
Contact: Sarah Hickok, x3-7685,
Sponsor: Information Systems
Latest update: 20-Oct-2000

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Listing generated: 31-Jan-2001