IAP 2001 Activity

Practical NMR Spectroscopy
Jeffrey Simpson , Mark Wall, David Bray
Tue Jan 9, Thu Jan 11, Tue Jan 16, Thu Jan 18, 11-12:00am, 2-132

Enrollment limited: first come, first served
Signup by: 08-Jan-2001
Limited to 30 participants.
Participants requested to attend all sessions (non-series)

This IAP class will be presented in four lectures and one laboratory session. The first two lectures will touch upon the basics of NMR, including the origin of the NMR signal, interactions of NMR-active nuclei, and strategies for exploiting these interactions. The third lecture will survey the information content provided by key multidimensional NMR techniques with relevant examples. The fourth lecture will cover generating figures in Bruker and Varian NMR data formats for inclusion in manuscripts. Enrollment in the computer processing/figure-generation laboratory session will be limited to twelve persons. Lecture attendance will be limited to room capacity (ca. 30 persons), so those wishing to secure a place should enroll early. Enrollment will be first come, first served.
To enroll, send e-mail to Jeff Simpson at with "NMR-IAP" as the subject.
Contact: Jeff Simpson,
Sponsor: Chemistry
Latest update: 21-Nov-2000

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Listing generated: 31-Jan-2001