2001: Building a New HR…and a Great Place to Work
Robin Carleton , and planning team members
Mon Jan 8, 10am-02:00pm, 10-105 (Bush Room)
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Single session event
Prereq: none
Come to the preview of the new HR (Human Resources) and explore our showcase of exciting new initiatives and opportunities. Learn and talk with representatives about MIT’s new Career Center, Rewards and Recognition Program, HR Payroll Project, and the many fundamental HR services. Listen while Laura Avakian, VP for HR, and John Curry, EVP, share their views of the future. Enjoy the food, fun, and prizes.
Contact: Robin Carleton, W89-105, 258-9511, carleton@mit.edu
Sponsor: Human Resources
Latest update: 24-Oct-2000
Comments to iap-www@mit.edu
Listing generated: 31-Jan-2001