How Scoville You Go?
William M. Davis
Tue Jan 23, Thu Jan 25, 1, 11-12:00am, TBA
Enrollment limited: first come, first served
Signup by: 15-Dec-2000
Limited to 20 participants.
The Scoville unit is the measurement of hotness of a chile pepper. Anyone who has made chili will know the wide and wild varieties of chiles and other ingredients that can be used in the dish. The chemistry of common ingredients will be discussed as well as indigenous varieties of the main course. Participants will be encouraged to build a chili that will be part of a blind tasting the last day of IAP.
Contact: William M. Davis, 2-325, x3-1884,
Sponsor: Chemistry
Latest update: 04-Nov-2000
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Listing generated: 31-Jan-2001