Stellar, Enabling On-line Education
Jeff Merriman
Mon Jan 22, 10-11:00am, 3-133
Wed Jan 24, 02-03:00pm, 3-133
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Participants welcome at individual sessions (series)
Stellar is being designed as a vehicle for on-line education at MIT. Stellar will allow:
-faculty members to easily post course content on the web,
-students to sign up for classes and access the content they need
-students, TAs, and faculty to interact on-line
-students to submit assignments
-Provide a grade book for professors and TAs
Stellar's flexible design will support multiple pedagogical approaches. The content of any given class can range from simply a syllabus, to streaming video of lectures and virtual environments.
Contact: Jeff Merriman, merriman@MIT.EDU
Sponsor: Educational Media Creation Center
Latest update: 20-Nov-2000
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Listing generated: 31-Jan-2001