The Best Way to Elect the President: The Mathematics of Individual Voting Power and the Vices of Raw Popular Voting in Large Electorates.
Alan Natapoff
Wed Jan 17, 12:30-02:00pm, 37-212
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Single session event
Our long-lived Electoral College system is better than any ever proposed to replace it. A small adjustment in it would make it as good as any simple system can be. A mathematical analysis rejects the conclusions of the American Bar Association and of the large majority of the Congress that voted to elect the president by simple national popular vote.
Contact: Alan Natapoff, 37-219, 253-7757,
Sponsor: Alan Natapoff, 37-147, 617 253-7757,
Latest update: 31-Oct-2000
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Listing generated: 31-Jan-2001