Dining In and Out...Healthfully!
Debra Wein, M.S, R.D.
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Participants welcome at individual sessions (series)
This is a two-part series exploring the difficulties of eating healthfully at home, in the cafeteria, and at restaurants. Calorie estimations of various foods will be provided, along with sensible substitutions. This discussion will also include healthy dining strategies at various ethnic restaurants and eating establishments.
Contact: Marlisa Febbriello, E23-205, x3-5770
Sponsor: MIT Medical
Part 1
Debra Wein, M.S, R.D.
Thu Jan 18, 12:30-02:00pm, 4-237
Part 2
Debra Wein, M.S, R.D.
Thu Jan 25, 12:30-02:00pm, 4-237
Latest update: 04-Nov-2000
Comments to iap-www@mit.edu
Listing generated: 31-Jan-2001