IAP 2001 Activity

Technology and Competitive Strategy
Joseph Jacobson, Associate Professor, MIT , Brian Silverman, Assistant Professsor, HBS
Thu Jan 11, 18, Tue Jan 23, 30, 03-06:00pm, E15, Bartos, continues into spring semester

Enrollment limited: advance sign up required (see contact below)
Signup by: 11-Jan-2001
Limited to 50 participants.
Participants requested to attend all sessions (non-series)
Prereq: Two paragraph application due by 1/11/01.

Technology and Competitive Strategy deals with the strategic issues posed by emerging new technologies and future technologies now just in the lab. Students will come from both HBS MBA students and graduate students from MIT.
There will be four sections: Logic, Chips and Computation; Biotechnology; Patents and University Developed Research; and Communications and Developing Nations. There will be an overview of the most important future technologies followed by a set of case studies. Each unit culminates in a group project consisting of teams from HBS and MIT geared towards future developments in each of these areas. In addition there will be a final project.
A 2-paragraph statement detailing your reasons for wanting to take the course along with technical background, skill set, and accomplishments is required by 1/11/01 to: Admission will be decided, in part, on the basis of your application. We will attempt to choose a mix of people spread across the areas of emphasis of the course.
Contact: Murray Whitehead, E15-435, x3-0905,
Sponsor: Media Arts & Sciences
Latest update: 07-Nov-2000

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Listing generated: 31-Jan-2001