IAP 2001 Activity

Joint Operational Planning
Center for International Studies , Colonel John Stulle, USMC Dean, Joint & Combined Warfighting
Tue Jan 23 thru Fri Jan 26, 09am-04:00pm, E38-714, 12/26 session ends at noon

No limit but advance sign up required (see contact below)
Participants requested to attend all sessions (non-series)

Joint Operational Planning Course is a synoptic look at how the strategic aims of the US are achieved by the US armed forces in a changing strategic environment. This 23-hour course will encompass discussions on: National security structure and organization, the Joint Strategic Planning System, capabilities and limitations of the major Services, crisis action procedures in time-sensitive situations, and the challenges of dedicating military force in humanitarian operations. The course culminates in a humanitarian assistance staff planning simulation with members of the seminar assigned to key positions. The course will be of particular interest to students studying strategic studies, international relations, political science, African studies, and for students and faculty associated with the military.
Contact: Amy Briemer, E38-656, x8-8552,
Sponsor: Political Science
Latest update: 18-Jan-2001

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Listing generated: 31-Jan-2001