Exploring Germany: A Workshop and Excursion Jan 8 - Jan 17
Center for International Studies , MIT-Germany Program, Dr. Bernd Widdig, Dr. Sigrid Berka
Mon Jan 8 thru Wed Jan 17, ??-??:00am
Enrollment limited: advance sign up required (see contact below)
Signup by: 05-Dec-2000
Participants requested to attend all sessions (non-series)
Do you want to get a first-hand impression of German culture, technology, and business? Are you interested in meeting a group of young German engineers and professionals from Lufthansa German Airlines with whom you will collaborate on a common project, entitled, "Creating the Airline of the 21st Century?"
After a workshop at Lufthansa AG in Frankfurt we will travel to Munich to visit the city and particularly its world-famous museum for science and technology. We'll then go on to Stuttgart where we will focus on modern production technology at the Mercedes Benz production facilities. A short seminar at the University of Stuttgart will explore recent cultural and political debates in Germany. We will finish our excursion in Hamburg with a visit to Lufthansa's central aircraft maintenance center. Participant's costs to cover the trip will be minimal. No proficiency in German is required.
Contact: Dr. Bernd Widdig, 14N-320, x3-3925, bwiddig@mit.edu
Sponsor: MIT Germany Program
Latest update: 28-Nov-2000
Comments to iap-www@mit.edu
Listing generated: 31-Jan-2001