The Theory and Practice of Good Cheese: Italy and France
Ihsan Gurdal
Thu Jan 18, 05:30-08:30pm, E38-714
No limit but advance sign up required (see contact below)
Signup by: 04-Jan-2001
Single session event
Fee: 20.00 for an extensive choice of Italian and French cheeses
World-renowned cheese expert, gourmet, and owner of Formaggio (Cambridge and South End) will give a theoretical and practical introduction to French and Italian cheeses. A lecture on knowing and comparing French and Italian Cheeses will be followed by extensive tasting of choice samples from some of the top European producers.
This event is co-sponsored by the MIT-ITALY and the MIT-FRANCE programs.
Contact: Serenella Sferza, E38-716, 258-6982,
Sponsor: MIT France Program
Latest update: 09-Nov-2000
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Listing generated: 31-Jan-2001