IAP 2001 Activity

Learning Communities: A Personal Look at Different Approaches to the First Year
Concourse , ESG, ISP, MAS
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Participants welcome at individual sessions (series)

Since 1970, over 3500 first year students have participated in one of MIT's four first-year programs: Concourse, the Experimental Study Group (ESG), the Integrated Study Program (ISP), and the new Media Arts and Sciences program (MAS). What continues to attract students to these programs and what do they gain from the experience? What is it like to teach in one of these programs? A 3-part symposium on teaching and learning jointly sponsored by Concourse, ESG, ISP, and MAS in which faculty, staff, and students will talk about their experiences and contrast them with those of the regular curriculum. Join us for lunch at noon on Friday.
Contact: Debra Aczel, 16-177, 253-4074,
Sponsor: Integrated Studies Program

Dynamic Teaching Models: Enhancing the Faculty-Student Connection
Concourse , ESG, ISP, MAS
Faculty and instructional staff discuss interactive teaching/learning experiences in the first-year.
Mon Jan 22, 02-04:00pm, Bartos Theatre

Peer Learning
Concourse , ESG, ISP, MAS
Wed Jan 24, 02-04:00pm, 16-136

The Student Experience
Concourse , ESG, ISP, MAS
NOTE TIME CHANGE: Join us for lunch from noon-1pm in 24-612 before this third and final session. Then stay to hear students talk about their experiences participating in a learning community during their first year. If you plan to attend the luncheon, please rsvp to Julie Banda ( by Wednesday, January 24.
Fri Jan 26, 12am-02:00pm, 24-612
Latest update: 23-Jan-2001

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Listing generated: 31-Jan-2001