Entrepreneurship Forum
Lisa Spirio , John H. Lo, Kate Smith
Fri Jan 19, 01-05:00pm, Wong Auditorium
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Single session event
Prereq: none
The MIT Science and Engineering Business Club will host four speakers to discusss new emerging technologies in the following areas: 1. Biotechnology 2. E-commmerce 3. Optical Networking and 4. Nanotechnology. All are welcome to attend. Co-sponsored by Newcogen.
Web: http://web.mit.edu/sebc
Contact: Lisa Spirio, WiBr-309, 258-5165, spirio@wi.mit.edu
Sponsor: MIT Science & Engineering Business Club
Latest update: 08-Nov-2000
Comments to iap-www@mit.edu
Listing generated: 31-Jan-2001