Mars Society -- Mars Base Seminars
Bruce Mackenzie
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Participants welcome at individual sessions (series)
Seminars discuss the feasibility of a permanent base on the Martian surface, which may be more cost-effective than a round-trip mission for the crew. Includes a proposal to build a prototype base structure on Earth, perhaps here in Boston.
Contact: Richard Reifsnyder,
Sponsor: MIT Mars Society
Opening a New World
Bruce Mackenzie
Why insist on bringing the first Mars crews back to Earth? Half the total cost of a 500 day surface stay is the return spacecraft and supplies for the return leg. A permanent base would be more cost-effective and achieve greater scientific results.
Wed Jan 10, 01-03:00pm, 33-319
Design a Mars Base
Bruce Mackenzie
Help design a permanent base for Mars, and an inexpensive prototype of it which can be built on Earth. There must be pressurized buildings, greenhouses, and vehicles. Local resources should be used for food and construction wherever possible. (Coincides with "Discovering Mars" presentation.)
Wed Jan 17, 07:30-09:00pm, 4-231
Homesteading Mars and Building with Local Materials
Bruce Mackenzie
The only readily available building materials on Mars are dirt (regolith) and rock. It is easier and takes less equipment to sinter bricks from dirt than to refine metals or plastics. (Coincides with "Discovering Mars" presentation.)
Wed Jan 24, 07:30-09:00pm, 4-231
Latest update: 19-Jan-2001
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Listing generated: 31-Jan-2001