I Wanna be a Borg
Rich DeVaul
Enrollment limited: first come, first served
Limited to 25 participants.
Participants welcome at individual sessions (series)
Prereq: None
So do you:
- Want to see the next step in ultra mobile computing?
- Want to know what a MIThril is?
- Want to give input into what your computer will look like in 3-5 years?
Wanna be a Borg?
Stop by the Borg Lab (E15-368) at the Media Lab for one or all of these sessions!
Contact: Rich DeVaul, E15-368, 253-0366, rich@media.mit.edu
Sponsor: Media Arts & Sciences
Intro to Wearable Computing
Rich DeVaul
General overview of what a wearable is and what it will be.
Wed Jan 31, 01-01:45pm, E15-368
Wearables - A Short History of Applications
Brad and Ryan
What applications have been created for wearables up till now.
Wed Jan 31, 01:45-02:15pm, E15-368
Wearable Technology show-and-tell
Steve and the Borglab Crew
Come and see what has been done and what we're working on now.
Wed Jan 31, 02:15-03:00pm, E15-368
Intro to Context Awareness and Wearable Applications
Rich DeVaul and Thad Starner
Find out about context aware computing in a wearable platform from two of the leaders in the wearable community.
Thu Feb 1, 01-01:45pm, E15-368
ML Researchers Short Discussion of Applications
Come hear about the exciting and cutting edge projects that some of the other leaders in the wearable community are working on.
Thu Feb 1, 01:45-02:15pm, E15-368
Thad's Stuff
Thad Starner
Come hear the creator of the Lizzy speak about wearables and where they are going.
Thu Feb 1, 02:15-03:00pm, E15-368
MIThril and the Future of Wearable Computing
Rich DeVaul
Come hear the head of the Media Lab's wearables group talk about the current project, MIThril, in addition to the future of wearable computing.
Fri Feb 2, 01-01:45pm, E15-368
The Market for Wearable Computers
Michael Parduhn
A talk about how wearable computers can move out of the lab and into the home and business of the average Joe.
Fri Feb 2, 01:45-02:15pm, E15-368
Brainstorming Session: Provide Input into what a Wearable should be
Borglab Crew
Give us your ideas on what a wearable should look like and what it should do!
Fri Feb 2, 02:15-03:00pm, E15-368
Latest update: 26-Jan-2001
Comments to iap-www@mit.edu
Listing generated: 31-Jan-2001