Crash and Burn Courses
Kai-yuh Hsiao
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Participants welcome at individual sessions (series)
Prereq: Some programming experience; high confusion threshold.
Indications: For rapid relief of guilt caused by false claims of programming abilities on resumes, to managers, to coworkers, etc. Also for hyperactive students. Directions: Take appropriate doses as recommended by physician. Warnings: May cause headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, neurological impairment, brain death. Take with food if stomach upset occurs. Do not blink.
Contact: Kai-yuh Hsiao, Edgerton 012B, x5-8117,
Sponsor: Student Information Processing Board
Crash and Burn C Programming
Kai-yuh Hsiao
Ingredients: 25mg variables, 25mg functions, 30mg pointers, 10mg structs. Take with alcohol if desired.
Wed Jan 17, 06-09:00pm, 4-370
Crash and Burn C++ Programming
Kai-yuh Hsiao
Ingredients: 20mg objects, 10mg inheritance, 10mg polymorphisms. Do not use if inner foil seal is broken.
Mon Jan 29, 06:30-08:30pm, 4-370
Crash and Burn Java Programming
Kai-yuh Hsiao
Ingredients: 5mg variables, 5mg classes, 20mg Object, 1ug Applet. Maybe. Discontinue use if pain persists.
Wed Jan 31, 06:30-08:30pm, 4-370
Latest update: 03-Nov-2000
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Listing generated: 31-Jan-2001